I had a dream that my dick was so hard and small that i cried
I had a dream that my dogs got stolen by my school securitary
I had a dream that my boyfriend came over and we was walking and he asked me i cant wait to have a baby.
I had a dream that my nephew didnt know me nomore
I have dream that my father died and after a minute he became alive
I had a dream that my mom turned away from me and she stop talking to me and said she didnt want anything to do with me
I had a dream that my little sister just started school. As soon as my crush saw her he realized that she was my little sister. He want into a room with one of my friends. He looked confused upset and he was crying. H kept saying how he loved me and how he he always thinks about me, and every time he looks at me he just ignores me or just doesn't make eye contact with me.
I dream that my father fall down to a building then he died but i never seen her body my mother just says the my father died and when i wake up theres tears in my eyes what is the meaning of that i always dreaming dead people mostly my relatives
I had a dream that my wife killed herself
One day i had a dream that my school sectutary stole my puppies