I dreamed on dennis john kucinich, chairman of the domestic policy subcommittee
I had been seriously injured n a garden. I was to revisit to find where it had happened. I was in a wheel chair with my parent who in reality had died. In a lefy garden we found where I had been injured after being lost for some time.
Sitting on top of a black guy who is sitting on a chair and having wild sex with him
I was carrying a chair
I had a dream about davignon, etienne vice chairman,suez tractebel
I dreamed on chair of the house ways and means committee, democrat, new york congressman, charles bernard charlie rangel
I had a dream about timur sardarov founder and chairman at ocean group
Bying a washing machine and wheelchair
I had a dream my 10 month old baby fell out of her high chair while grandma was watching and cut open her face
Dreams about my dead grandmother sitting in a chair