Waking up after sex mom was making food. I went to a cupboard to find old eat birthday cake in glass covers that was rotting. It was raining outside and the neighbors were taking furniture outside after some type of explosion. Drew's mom hated me so I knew I had to leave. I just have been driving drunk in my dream. I got pulled over by a cop and started to panic.
My dream began where I was sitting on my sofa when the bell rang. I opened the door to find Lisa Simpson, in a Girl Guide uniform, at my door, who asked me if I wanted to buy some cookies. Being a nice guy, I obliged and asked for three boxes. She said "So, OK, you want five boxes..." I was confused and said "No. I said I wanted three". Suddenly, she repeated, more forcefully this time, "You want FIVE boxes", before kicking me in the nuts and holding a knife to my throat, before repeating "You want five boxes. That'll be £102.50". I, scared out of my wits, nodded and gave her all the money in my wallet. She kicked me in the nuts again, said "Have a nice day" in a mocking tone and walked off, leaving me writhing in pain on my doorstep.
I am male, British, and will be 18 in just under 2 weeks (my birthday is on Christmas Day). I am male, British, and will be 18 in just under 2 weeks (my birthday is on Christmas Day). I am somewhat immature in personality and often ignore people when they try to remind me of the responsibilities of adulthood. I am also not conventionally handsome or in shape and do not partake in any particular "male" activities (e.g. I am not interested in sports). I am also somewhat awkward with the opposite sex. I used to watch the Simpsons when I was a child; Lisa was my favourite character. I am wondering of the significance of this. I only started having these dreams round about now, when people reminded me of my milestone birthday.
I was in what looked like my middle school in New York except my classes and teachers were all of the ones in Old Bridge High School. I was running through the halls when the setting changed to what looked like a little kids birthday party. I didn’t recognize any of the people there except one of my childhood friends from where my family spent summers upstate when I was little. I didn’t remember her name but when I tried to walk up to her it seemed like a crowd of people were blocking her until I couldn’t see her at all. For some reason, I started to walk backwards until I was in a backyard and then the dream ended.
My male friend that I'm in love with had a girlfriend that was pregnant with twins or about to birth twins
Surrogate mother, pregnant with twins. i give birth to a fully clothed boy in a swimming pool then i give birth to a stillborn in a hospital room, midwifes lay the stillborn baby under me and then i start to slip away so they resuscitate me and i keep slipping into the darkness but my son who is my actual real life 15 month old son shouts mom and i come round.
Dreaming of giving birth to a baby boy but having it taken away
Dreaming of giving birth to a baby boy twins
Dreaming of giving birth to a baby boy in a hospital setting and delivering the placenta
Goat birthing twins
I was pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. My ex- boyfriend denied the baby because we never had sex. He was in jail and then was released. His mother sent him a picture of the baby and told him the baby looks just like him, We took a DNA test and the baby was his.