I saw tiger cubs .... they wereplaying with me... on my shoulder.. they scratched me with paws but no hurt... October 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
It started with me and my mum being in some basement with a glass roof and we could hear a tiger panting first. and then we saw him walking around from underneath his big paws against the glass just above us. and then i was outside trying to get away. there were lots of hills and grass and really far in the distance i could see a lion lying in the grass. i was walking around the corner really fast but i could see the lion getting up really slowly and starting to follow me. its like he knew there was no escape for me. he just followed me and i got to these houses but they all had barbed wire around them, so i couldn't get in. the path in between the houses got narrower and narrower. in the end i tried to climb under the barbed wire, but the lion got me anyways, and then i woke up October 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Isaw tiger cubs playing with me.. scratching nd jumping over me with their paws , one of them was over my shoulder, i had a sex with tht cub October 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis