I dreamt that jesus was talking to me. he was shining bright in white clothes. February 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I walked into the front yard, The grass was very green. I saw my brother in the distance, then i saw Jesus, very bright and wearing a white robe. January 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream my son was acting strange then when he hit me he had unusal force and i knew he was possessed i was struggleing with him saying i bind and rebuke you satan in jesus christ name leave the boy he answers you have no power to remove me if you want me to leave the boy give me your soul i say no but by the blood of jesus you have to leave the boy i keep praying and i see a white light on my hand as i pray and he leaves my son then my dream turns to were i get into a argument then a fight with a ex friend of mine we are at walmart and she is laying on the floor and i am thinking about how i am going to go to jail for beating her up this man walks by and grabs something from her he says i wont tell if you dont tell i say ok he says go now i get outside and its darker than its ever been i cant see anything i hear people talking about how dark is and how they wonder what is happening then the man who talked to me comes out he raises his hand and says go suddenley i can see my car i get in and it dosent want to crank i finally get it cranked and it starts snowing huge amounts of snow and its sticking as fast as it comes down i am going along and dont get far down the road and it stalls and dies and i discover the man from walmart behind me he is laughing saying i got you now it was satan turns out i hadnt just beat up my ex friend i had accidentley killed her when he reached down he had took her soul then i woke up January 17, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
In my car driving and my car falls off of a bridge into a body of water but as the car is going into the water I am screaming Jesus n then I end up on an island of grass unharmed February 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis