Dreaming of clean water in deep down showing something that belong to me
I'm in a flood water
A man in a restaurant with his wife and two kids a boy and a girl, he has a plastic bag over his head filled with water and he is drowning. The wife and kids just watch him as he drowns.
I was outside a building and my friend from high school was there and I saw her baby boy who was splashed with filthy water from on top of the building by some stranger. I go over to the baby boy and pick him up and take him to a baby changing stand to clean the baby up. I ask for water from my friend to help clean her baby, and she comes back with yellow tinted water. I use the water, pouring it over the child and not only did the mess over the baby boy wash away but his physical appearance change where his hair turned blond and his dark eyes change to bright blue ones. I ask for better water and my friend goes and brings back clear water but this time inside the water there are bugs floating inside. I tilt the best I can to give the baby something to drink without the bugs going into his mouth.
House full,of water
High water
I was in a home that i was not familiar with i kept going in and out of conscious i seen a girl not sure if she was causing harm to me or mad or helping but i fell to the ground and faded out. when i woke up i seen a cage with miniature cats or kittens then i got up walked to the door of a room then turned around and went into a kitchen when i turned around it was like i was floating my way around and i seemed happy then i got knocked to the ground somehow on my way to drink water
I drempt that I was swimming in the sea in choppy water and a submarine would not rescue me
Home flooded with water