In my dream, I found myself standing on a small hill. I was surrounded by other small hills all around me. The grass was exceedingly green and the sky was dark with storm clouds. Only... the sky was a pale pink, not gray. I remember feeling so at peace as I walked up and down the rolling grassy hills. Suddenly as I walked down the last hill I came into a valley with what looked like a small city carved into the natural stone. I walked through the pathways carved in the stone, room after room, hallway after hallway. Finally I reached the end and walked into the center of the city. There were cobblestone streets, and dead trees on every corner. The trees were painted a royal blue. I remember touching them and thinking how warm and safe I felt there. I know it doesn't sound like that relevent of a dream, but I find it strange how at home I felt there, how peaceful, and how strangely beautiful it all was. I just want to know what it could mean, and why the most beautiful place I've ever seen, has only been seen when my eyes are closed.
I dreamt that I was in a room with golden, shining bricks all around it. Also in this room, there was a rather large window that went down to the floor. And out this window, revealed the beautiful, blue sky and the bright sun. I wasn't sure where the window went down to, but I felt as if I was very much raised upon the ground, as if my golden-bricked chamber was part of a canyon. I was feeling very warm, almost hot, probably because of the sun's powerful light. And by this low window, I saw hair of my color (dark blond) by my feet. Then, I felt as if someone was pulling on my hair, and I tried to grasp the hair that was closer to my head so it wouldn't hurt as much. Next, someone was standing in the window. It was a boy that looked about eighteen years old. He had a very pale face and pale blue eyes. He had dark blonde hair like me (but it was short!). He smiled lovingly at me, and walked right up to me. He said "I love you. You mean the world to me." or something like that. The next minute, he took me into his arms and kissed me romantically on the lips. I was shocked at first, then I found myself putting my arms around him too, accepting his kiss. The kiss lasted for several minutes it seems. Then, he released his arms from me, and then, smiling brightly and lovingly at me again, he stepped away and descended from my room. I think that I was Rapunzel and that that boy was the Prince.
I was in a car with two people. One was a girl I liked the other I can't recall. Being around her and talking with her made me feel happy. Suddenly the car was in a big white room. It got smaller and smaller. I didn't pay much attention to it though. I noticed a cassette with the tape going through a whole into a compartment I couldn't reach. I then realized I was being recorded, suddenly the girl and the guy were still. I paid particular attention to the girl of course. She had her head tilted towards me, smiling. They were like dolls... I screamed that I wanted this to be real.... please don't do this... Then they disappeared and the walls closed in tighter and tighter. I felt trapped.... then I woke up.
I had a dream about this boy in this program I am in, in which we go to te same school. He was in my art class this last school year, but he's one grade ahead of me in high school. The other morning, I woke up about 25 minutes before my alarm was set to start my day for the program. During that time, I had a dream about me and my friend being in an area that was like a store/restaurant/my house. The dream switches views, and my friend had vanished and the boy took her place. We talked and sat on the floor of the store aisles, and my stepdad came downstairs to get something. The boy whispered to me that he gave him a wink, probably hinting that he sees what's going on between us. For some odd reason, the boy was "waxing" his legs with tape, which I found ridiculously funny because I know he was trying to impress me and get me to laugh. Once again, my stepdad came downstairs and he told me he received another hinting look from him. The boy revealed to me that he sort of likes me, in which he hinted to me if I felt the same way. I was nervous, but I did let him know that I was crushing on him. What was to happen next is unknown, due to the fact that I woke up by the beeping of my alarm in my waking life. I'm wondering if this dream means something deep. What could it possibly mean? I mean, the guy in my dream is cute, and I've thought he was cute since the middle of the school year. I just never developed any feelings for him until after his dream had occurred. In class, he'd always tease me and say "You like me!" But I'd deny it everytime. I told my close friends about the dream and they instantly thought I like him. This happened about three days ago, and I still can't get him and my dream out of my system. I know I'm crushing on him, now. Was the dream just a sign telling me that I have underlying feelings for him? To make it even more shocking, he stood next to me at the grill line to order a grilled cheese, just like me. He cut the line and stood beside me and engaged a conversation playfully by saying "heyyyy girlll". My best friend (one of which I told about the dream), coughed obviously as he talked to me and nudged me in my arm repeatedly. I joined in with his "flirting" by nudging him back, but was this really flirting? Do you think that my dream has opened my eyes to reveal my feelings for him?
I was trying to find a signal to connect to 1129. a dark man in a hat was following me and I ended up in a shaft and finally connected to 1129. but I felt clausterphobic
In my dream I saw I was cutting my own hair and messed up , I felt disappointed and was searching for a hair dresser to make it good
I got my upper left ear pierced in what looked like a doctor's office patient room. The piercing didn't hurt but for a few minutes afterward I felt a burning pain that was intense but not unbearable. It actually felt good or necessary.
I got off work it was cold and i was saying bye to my cousin i went into the house and there were seven little girls crying
calling me dad one was dirty with boogers and it was very cold i had gloves i felt bad that the girls were dirty
I got off work it was cold and i was saying bye to my cousin i went into the house and there were seven little girls calling me dad one was dirty with boogers and it was very cold i had gloves i felt bad that the girls were dirty
I was in the living room and my dog was grawling at something behind me it was the devil. then he went in side of me i felt him go in it was a discuting feeling so then my dog was trying to bit me then i called jesus name and woke up