Fighting a giant with many people but it wants me
Gun fight .several shots while i'm behind a door. the door swings open and I shoot him dead
I saw my self fight a mad woman and beat him on the dream
Fighting something
I had to fight off some girls and was looking for my mom and cousin when i finally found them i realized my boyfriend was missing.i went searching for him and when i finally found him he had gotten jumped by a group of people.
Fighting giant
Strangers break in my house..seem dangerous trying to fight them with a large stick but nothing happens
I have seen my boyfriend with his ex- girlfriend and he says he loves me and she fights with me
My parents wouldn't not stop fighting
Walked with an older man to a church and while we were alone he started to act like he wanted to have sex with me, I got scared go I tried to get away from him, he then picked up a wooden stick and came after me, I went into a door and found I was trapped, I started saying I would be able to fight him cause he was older, and then with a lot of fear I awoke.