I was sailing down a very beautiful and turbulent river on a boat with my husband. There were forests and wild animals who were ineffectual. There was danger everywhere and he was helping me overcome them. December 16, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that some friends & i were in the woods. We ended up at an old house & animals started to come out at us. We went in the house & then I was suddenly alone with pink snakes coming at me. I kept them off by picking them up & throwing them but the started coming at me faster. One of the snakes figured out my defensive tactic & slithered under a cover & stood straight up infront of me. I tried to grab it to throw it & bit me on my hand. After tryin to grab it again it bit me again & then I woke up. December 22, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sailing down a river on a boat with my husband. There were forests and animals. There was danger everywhere and he was helping me overcome them. December 16, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sailing down a very beautiful and turbulent river on a boat with my ex-husband. There were forests and wild animals who were ineffectual. There was danger everywhere and he was helping me overcome them. December 16, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I go in the field and i saw my friend eating the flesh of a dead bodies and we are surrounded by the animals who are eating flesh of dead animals December 11, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that i was attacked by two animals. One a black cat and the second i can´t really say, it was also black and in the form of a cat. But i killed them both. Afterwards i put them in a bucket and place the bucket under the tap. i felt different afterwards, brand new and happy. what does this dream means? December 27, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that i was attacked by two animals. One a black cat and the second i can´t really say, it was also black and in the form of a cat. But i killed them both. Afterwards i put them in a bucket and place the bucket under the tap. what does this dream means? December 27, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis