Dreamt of the rock (Wrestler) and a dead solders grave which was behind a fence I walked passed saw the grave and the rock took my hat of and payed respects to the solder I then received a handshake of the rock and then i carried on walking
Broken glass stuck in my hands felt painful on removal deep wound bleedings
I had a dream that i was in the car with this boy i know and i had sweaty hands and we were driving to places with our school and we stopped at these baths and the teacher told me not to go into the changing room but i did
I had a dream I was being chased by plastic mannequin families from a shop they had guns for hands. they chased me and my family down the road then we hit a dead end
A man's hands holding a boiled egg. He opens the top of the egg and sees the yolk is soft
A. Mans hands holding a boiled egg . He opens the top to look inside
The man Ilove holding a boiled egg in his hands and opening the top of the egg to look inside
On a train with a man I know (but can't remember when i wake). I cover us with my coat. He puts his head on my shoulder, I put an arm around his shoulders. I feel both fiercely protective of him and completely protected by him, SAFE. He turns his body more towards me, takes hold of my hand and says "love you" we go to sleep holding hands. He is the most attractive man I have ever seen, but I have no sexual desire towards him, only feelings of intense Love For him and From him.
I was in this place with a group of people and then someone was coming to harm one of the persons then we left the place and went to another place and a man was talking and i went up to him and held his face in my hands and looked directly into his eyes and told him to stop
My high school classmate was my waitress in a classy restaurant, but I ate with my hands. She served me seafoods. Hot chocolate. And another classmate joined me in eating.