I dream I was cooking for a group of people ( like a family gathering) in the country but there was no fire so I went to my grandfather house(my mother father) and there was fire to cook I notice there was no soup in the pot so I add more water just as the food about to cook my aunt give me some chicken noodle to put in the soul. Went back to check the pot and the bottom of the pot fell out put the food was still in the pot so I fixture the pot nod continue to cook. I then realised the bottom fell out again. My grandfather said to me you should have change the pot in the first place. I then pour the food in a bother pot to take to the rest of the family. My other grandfather ( my father dad who look like my father not sure if it was my father or is dad was there and I told him to come with me because my grand children are there and he haven't seen them before and I will take him back as he is trading in the morning. I was very disappointed about the soup but I think the group old still eat the food. But I though I couldn't have given the food to my grandchildren as I was not good enough and I awoke from the dream. ( my grandfathering my father side died 25.years age and my other grandfather died about 22 years ago) November 23, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a wharehouse with my friends and had to drink a lot of milk. I accidentally drank some before I was supposed to then was told to fill it back up with water. The. I was being chased by someone with a bee but it ended up ringing me and the sting didn’t hurt but taking it out hurt October 29, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I am running through a neighborhood full of houses that all look the same. There is a really tall person following me with some type of weapon that he keeps hitting me on the back with. Everytime he hits me, my legs become slow, like the feeling of trying to run through water. As I run through the neighborhood, I knock on doors asking for help but no one answers in time so I must keep running. As I approach the last house on the block the door opens and its Barack Obama. He invites me inside, and I end up living with them. December 05, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Enjoying a fun day at a theme-park with my husband and a bunch of strangers with familiar faces. Enjoyed many of the typical rides throughout the theme-park, like roller coasters, bumper cars, water rides, adventure rides and enjoyed eating cotton candy. I woke up while riding a roller coaster when the tracks began to disappear in front of me. I woke up frightened. December 02, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream with multiple false awakenings, at least 7. Each time I would notice something was off, or different or didn't make sense and I would then know I was in a dream and 'force' myself awake. However, each time the dream became more convincing and I developed a growing sense of panic and danger each time I failed to wake to reality. After one of the false awakenings I awoke (still dreaming) completely paralysed and terrified, I suddenly had the knowledge that something was very wrong and I should have been able to wake myself by now, or at least be able to move, and I knew that some-THING was keeping me asleep and trapped in dreams and that this thing was evil and it wanted me. I try to scream at this point to my mother and sister who are still awake downstairs but the noise hardly comes out, I force myself through sheer will and terror to drag myself from the bed and slowly crawl down the stairs (as my body still isn't properly working) and the further away from the bed I am, the more control over my body I exert. Finally I'm downstairs and I can stand again, I enter the living room and see my mother facing away from me in an old pink armchair we used to have. Her face when I try to look at it is obscured by shadow no matter how i tilt my head to look at her. It is then that I suddenly realise the old armchair and the rearranged furniture, a feeling like ice water goes down my spine and I realise without the shadow of a doubt that this THING isn't my mother, it just wants me to think it is. I said to it "You're not my mother" and I know that makes it angry and I can feel it asking why would I hurt my mother's (it's) feelings by saying such a cruel thing, but horrifyingly it didn't speak, I just knew what it said. I'm terrified by now, and i know this thing was the thing that was deliberately trapping me in the dream. I could see myself sleeping in the corner of the living room and I run to myself and start screaming at him/me to wake up and i keep shaking him/me. I start screaming "you have to wake up, wake up, wake up, IT won't let you, it won't let you go, it wants you, it's evil - you have to get out! it wants you while your vulnerable so you need to WAKE UP!" all the while i know the thing that looks like my mother is walking closer and closer behind me, and I just knew that if I turned around and looked at it's face this thing would be able to take me (I felt an overwhelming sense that the thing wanted to go inside of me and use my body while my mind was asleep and vulnerable to it). I can hear it making noises to try and scare me so that I would look at it, but I didn't. Eventually I'm screaming so much in my dream I can feel myself speaking in my sleep in reality, finally before the thing can touch me I at last woke up. This was one of the most terrifying dreams of my entire life, and to remember it in such detail is quite unlike me - it was so vivid that I had to have a walk after I woke up and tried to read something because i heard that you can't make sense of letters in dreams and I wanted to be sure it wasn't another false awakening. The really creepy thing though is that this dream of a dark entity trying to possess me (can't think of another word for it) by making me look at it has happened before. The rest of the dream from what I can remember was completely different, quite happy, no false awakenings. But the only part of the dream I 100% do remember is standing in the doorway from my kitchen to my living room and suddenly feeling like something evil and non-human was stood behind me and wanted to use my body. Like in this dream I knew that if i turned around the creature would be able to enter me, and I started pleading with myself (like talking to oneself, not pleading with another bodily incarnated version of myself like in the dream i described above) to wake up and I explained aloud to myself that this entity was trying to attack me in my dreams when my mind is vulnerable and so I had to wake up. Like in the dream above I became terrified and started crying and pleading to please wake up before it got me, unlike the dream I described above it actually touched me and put its hands on my shoulders and leaned in to breathe and whisper in my ear to try and scare me into looking at its face. I finally woke up sweating and crying with fear. What could these dreams mean? Why the recurrent theme of the entity? I am a logical man with little belief in spirits, entities and demons - BUT I do possess an open mind, could these dreams be more literal than metaphorical? November 20, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Hi l dreamed seeing my sheos with mud then l just took them to a tap trying to wash them with water and soap and as l did so they becoming clean November 16, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Speeding down a highway swerving out of the way from all the people dressed in black on the highway. Now I'm at a beach swimming in the water next to an old man up against a wall. The old man disappears and I see a shark right next to me. I try to swim through a hole in the wall, but get stuck and then feel a massive pain from the shark biting my right left. October 28, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I had this dream in middle school. I was with some people that I knew, and we were in the basement of my church. We were all standing in a straight line, just listening to someone talk. I don’t remember who it was or what they were staying. All of a sudden water geysers started erupting from the floor. I knew one of the girls with me and she tried to drown me in one of the geysers. She didn’t and I went to hit her. Then I woke up. December 05, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I had this dream in middle school. I was with some people that I knew, and we were in the basement of my church. We were all standing in a straight line, just listening to someone talk. I don’t remember who it was or what they were staying. All of a sudden water geysers started erupting from the floor. One of my friends tried to drown me in one of them. She didn’t and I went to hit her. Then I woke up. December 05, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis