Understand My Dreams

Dreams looked

I'm in a farm house, where I know I Live. My mother is there as she looked forty years ago. I go out for a walk and walk across a path surrounded by rough grass and find a cooked chicken obviously partially eaten by a wild animal. I remember that I didn't put the chicken and other foods away in the cupboard in the outhouse and go back to tell my mother what has happened. She sends me to the shops to buy another, but aI buy a brown feather stuffed cushion instead. When the guests and other members of the family arrive for the invited meal there is a large buffet of food on the table including the remains of the chicken. which I slice off a piece and eat. My mother looks at my questioningly and I shrug and laugh. later I tell people about my mistaking a pillow for a chcken.

It was strange, to make it short, I was running from someone or something, and I realized somehow that I was dreaming, before I looked info about lucid dreams and know a few tricks to confirm you're dreaming, so I tried in my dream to look my hands, and I did. I asked myself, am I dreaming? And so a ran out of a door on an outer space and immediately looked back to see if that someone or something was following me, it wasn't. Is like I clicked in my dream and the whole dream changed. I saw as well that there's a device you put in your head before you go to sleep that lights a red beam in your eyes during the night, and you can see it when you're dreaming, so I looked up in the sky to see if I could find it but I didn't cause I don't have the device, but I remembered and looked up! Everything inside my dream... I knew I was dreaming. I was tryna figure out where I was and so I saw a door with blurry white letter written on it, I couldn't read it, but I saw a logo, I believe it was 2 triangles with stripes face opposite directions ( one up and one down) ^v ... what does that mean? I've been trying to look for the logo or symbol and I can't seem to find anything relevant...

I was on a train with my sister on the way to the beach. It made a stop and I told my sister we should get off the train but she said there's another stop that's closer to the beach so we stayed on. The train became a bus. When the bus was coming to the last stop it was going really close to the water and I was wondering when it was going to stop. But it didn't stop and it kept going in the water and it started riding the waves. We were all scared and didn't know what the bus driver was doing. Then the bus crashed into a wave and it started sinking. I tried swimming out but my shoes were dragging me down because they were too heavy so I took them off and swam to shore. My sister also swam to shore. Then I was talking to her and telling her that those were my favorite pairs of shoes and it's sad that I had to loose them. So I went to the shore and looked for my shoes and I found two other pairs of shoes and decided that I could just wear those on the way home. Then I realized that my sister was helping look for survivors so I went to help her. We saw a giant in the water and we all started to lift him out of the water. This giant was made by God to carry all of our souls so he was a very special person. I went to grab his head but someone already was holding it so he said to go hold his leg up so I did and we carried him to the shore.

I was in a bank, I had a check in my hand for 347$, I almost was returning a bunch of things to the bank. She Teller was counting seven white cell phones, One was cracked, she said she wouldn't make me pay for it, but she would make my boss pay for it. I turned around and looked and there was a casino attached to the bank.. I turned to her and said, wow that was a good idea to put a bank and casino together she responded by saying she would own one soon too, the lady was very monotone about everything she said. I turned to a child and said that's okay for a days pay, he said yes, do you want to see a picture of my friend, it was a name of someone I didn't like. All of the sudden I was in a new house, I felt uncomfortable, when he pulled out the picture it was of three little blonde children that I didn't know and then all of the sudden I was in the street in the middle of nowhere.

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