I dreamed my friend and me are standing together but little apart. He then opens a cage and lets three animals get out of it and run.I then run after it and calls to me and says its three white Pandas.
Hill wild animals niece accompanying my niece go up and down
I had a dream myself, my two sisters and my mum were on a talk show about body modifications. My sisters and I all had this secret to share with our mum so we went on this show. My older sister came out first and was tattooed around her eyes, like a mask with buildings in the tattoo. My mum wasn't that shocked with this, then I came out and I had tattoos up and down my arms and horns coming out the side of my head, this cause mum to get angrier then my younger sister came out. She had tattoos all over, but she had a tusk like a rhinoceros coming out of her face and her feet had turned into horse hooves. Mum was very angry by this stage and each time she would yell myself and my younger sister would pretend to charge with our heads like animals and the audience would clap and my older sister would cheer us on.
Chopping up animals
I and my family were going in a rocket. suddenly the pilot says that the rocket cannot go further and we have to land. we landed on a new world where i could see only animals( wild and mild ) but no human. but to my surprise all the animals are friendly with us.
I dreamed, I was in a enchanted house. It was protected but we did not know the rules, the notebook was missing. We activated something and everytime we touched the water the water turn into blood and little animals come up like piranas.
Leading my family on a walking trail on a edge of a high cliff with injures animals
Frying animals
Ǐ saw a sea in my dream and in that sea there was a hippopotamus a horse a walrus Ŋ some sharks people were trying Ŧ0 catch some animals and one of the man was riding the horse in that sea Ŋ ǐ was jus watching this site.