In my dream my brother and I were on our way to a professional wrestling match when we were pulled over by the cops. The police asked for our IDs and asked where we were going tonight and when we said professional wrestling match this is what he told us: ""Professional Wrestling" is considered one of the most successful efforts of the Extreme Perversity Normalization Initiative's "Closet Project". Professional Wrestling was designed by Illuminati meme artists and psychologists to accomplish three primary aims: 1) To serve as a simple means of screening the public for propensity to extreme gullibility - a trait highly desired by the Illuminati and one cultivated through eugenics programs. 2) To encourage public acceptance of suspension of disbelief and critical thinking as vast numbers of people invested emotional attachment in contests they knew rationally were predetermined and staged. 3) To promote a culture of hypermasculine homoeroticism of a type designed to appeal primarily to aggressive young males in denial about their own homosexual impulses. All EPNI "wrestling" features an emphasis on exaggerated masculinity, fetishistic focus on the male physique, extensive use of sweat/body oils, and promotions of polyamorous homosexual BDSM rituals involving "tag teams" and "submission" September 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Falling down elevator shaft and then grabbing a wire to safety September 05, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
My girlfriend running away from m. and once I reached her found her in and elavator with someon esle and I then murderd her by pushig of the floor July 29, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
My girlfriend running away from m. and once I reached her found her in and elavator with someonesle and I pused her off the floo so she died July 29, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamt I had bought my old house that needed renovating with my dead wife September 05, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I lost my friends in a park and I was surrounded by multiple Disney characters as I was trying to walk out of the park. I ended trying to get out through a freight elevator that moved by four separate sections up and down. July 18, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Well i dreamt about my friends who betrayed me this week. I dreamt the guy had a lot of different girlfriend s and i met one that was "secret". I also made out with him at some point. The other one was just background character but somehow always there. I ended up going into some house with them and others like a temple house where we fought off some snakes and snuck around a beast. But at the exit a manticore appeared the face of a man with cat features, cat ears and fur lined face and body of a lion with a small mane. It went for the others and hid away behind some furniture. I hid behind some overturned chairs i was the last one. It was saying something to me idr what but it affected me. Maybe taunting me of something. It spotted me swiped twice at my hiding spot. I stood up holding a chair in front of me so scared. I picked up a broken chair leg and the next time it lunged, i lunged. I stabbed the leg into its neck as hard as i could and push it in a bit twisting it and we both fell back. It looked at me with anger and surprise and in a way like it was proud. Everyone was there but i left them. I escaped that place through a secret elevator with just one of the backstabbing friends. But i never felt right the entire dream. March 01, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in jail with my phone but i didnt want to leave i used my bail for my friend then i got out and saw naked people then i went back to this private jail with nothing in it except a concrete floor and my phone January 23, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis