While I was in jail i dreamt of me, my ex, my sister, and my mom in a big house, and I was holding our baby boy, and I had a new tattoo that said Romans 8:1-2
I broke up with my x of three years a year ago, so I'm not sure why I have these dreams. But in my dreams that I remember its about him and him wanting me back and telling me that I need to dump the guy in dating that he just wants a kiss. And when he hugs me I can literally feel it. I smell him and feel him vividly. I ask him questions. And I always give into him even though in my dreams I try to say no. I can't even when I really really try. What does this mean? We r always in my house or in a field or in the trees. Always in the sun. And I have a flower with five pettles kinda colored and snapped like a sun flower tattooed on me. What does this mean??? Please help. I hate sleeping because these dreams make me sick.
I was on a snowboarding trip with my sorority sisters. I fell off the lift and was hanging off the mountain for a long time and no one would help me. Grabbing onto the mountain felt like a blanket and I couldn't climb up to the top, which wasn't far away. Later, I was on a slide with 2 other people. It was like a game but we were watching someone else do it much harder. When I got off, I was naked and had colored tattoos on my body. I was trying to run towards this guys I once knew and had a strong connection to named Tyler. I now despise him. Later, I was in a car and we were about to go through a security checkpoint. We got out and were assigned an officer. Mine told me to get on all fours and proceeded to touch me under my clothes. He verbally assaulted me and told me that my boyfriend 's dad had died. I called him a liar and ran to my boyfriend 's mother who told me I could tell her what happened.
Being protected by scary strong tattooed pierced men and then liking and being protected by a hot man in a suit
7/5 – I dreamt it was Halloween and Chris made my mom and I play scary games to get the candy, a picture of what each round would be was tattooed on his arm but I couldn't always see it - we would be on the porch of some wooden cabin. Later, we ordered breakfast from a Chinese food place and we wrote down our orders on these red slips (taken from the rival restaurant across the street) and I felt bad so I scribbled out the name.
My boyfriend was giving his ex girlfriend a tattoo on her butt
My friend had her X boyfriend name tattooed on her wrist and she had cartoon like markings on her. The she rolled over and put her knees to her chest while on her back and I heard the name incubus
I was sat on the floor outside where I used to go to college, it was a lovely hot sunny day and there were two guys across the road laughing about emojis on clothing, and a group of girls on my side of the road a few feet away laughing about the same idea, so I started shouting idea about what'd look good and came up with watermelon on ripped white jeans, and one of the girls thought it must have been the best idea ever because she came up and hugged me and invited me into their group.
So when I got up and walked down they were smoking a couple joints between em, but they didn't offer me any yet.
Anyways there's a bit of a gap between being there with the group of girls and waking up to see my finished tattoo. Which the tattooist had ruined, and I realised I'd probably been drugged, because the head and mane was okay, but the horn wasn't in its head, instead it looked like the head was attached to a walking cane and the horn was attached to the curved end but shaped like a butt plug!!
And I had to live with it so I went back to my house and my sister was in the bedroom and the group of girls was just leaving, but they left me half a joint in the windowsill so I smoked it out the window, and as I put it out a green skull flashed before me and that was a symbol that I would have a nice high and not a bad one.
I had a tattoo on my arm of an owl and an upside doen rainbow it said mom
Green grass tattoo