Fat guy, singing opera song, auditorium, wooden chair, stained teeth, chipped tooth August 24, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was working in a clinic/doctor's office as a newer employee. I am currently a new employee at a bank, but medicine and care is the last place I'd see myself working. All the staff at the clinic in my dream was the same staff I work with at the bank. I worked very hard this shift, and we were open late so I lost track of time and stayed much longer than I had been scheduled. One of the older staffers, who i recently covered a shift for at the bank, praised me and was very greatful i had stayed, as there was an influx of patients as the night got later. Soon it was packed with patients and more coming in. Although we were overwhelmed, I was told to go home. I packed my things, singing along to the radio to Lean On Me while doing so (a child in the waiting room sang along with me), and left. I hadn't realized there was something wrong until I got outside. It was night time, people were running and hurrying and everyone had packed bags and family scurrying around them. Once outside, I could see I was at my university campus. All the commotion stopped me in my tracks, and I could only think to get home to my family, which I instinctively knew was to the right. I started running amongst the people, as they were exiting the campus I was pushing against them and running back in. Among the people running in every direction, I saw my mother (now deceased), younger than I had ever known her. She was scrambling, and I thought she would be running home, but she ran in the opposite direction. On my campus she ran towards the building that I am in frequently, not towards the clinic or the direction of home. I called out to her but he couldn't hear me, even though she turned to look. I caught a glimpse of my brother trying to reach her too, but he looked like he was running home. And then I woke up. July 22, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
In bed in the house I share with my boyfriend about to go to bed. I hear his son in his room singing and playing with Lego, but my boyfriend does not hear him. I get upset and anxious that I am the only one who can hear my stepson and my boyfriend goes to check and see if he is in his room. He comes back and says no one is there but I continue to hear him playing with Lego from across the hall. I awake feeling unsettled. October 18, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I am in a hallway, talking to a gay room mate, i make some joke at my expense, they ask me if i want to see their "man butt" then invite me into their room as they are decorating / interior design, they hang a long fabric of netting around the bedroom light and explain that it represents the people who died in the house, also gay, killed by the KKK while in the shower, the way the fabric cascades down and the lie shine thru looks a lot like water. i think to myself: try not to anger any of the spirits that live here. he then begins tying a golden sequined ribbon around the fabric and singing "revolutionary ribbon" August 25, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis