Playing video game version of my own real life and suddenly realizing maybe real life was a video game someone else was playing and that I was just a video game character May 01, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I woke up at 4:44am from a super intense dream that we were under marshal law and the military was coming in to lock down the roads to keep us in place. My daughters and I were camping in my parents RV in at a ‘glamping’ waterfront resort near my house. My newish boyfriend (of 9 months) arrived just as it was starting when we didn’t know what was happening yet and secured us in the locked RV safely. I went out to get my parents rifle (which they don’t have in real life) from a safe while my boyfriend was helping the girls hide, just as a stranger manifested inside the RV and I drew the gun to shoot an empty fire arm. I woke up so panicked it felt real and looked up that other people have been having marshal law dreams April 12, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Alexys and my brother Spencer were walking around town and they walked by a house where my mom lived (she doesn’t live there in real life). Knocking on the door was a little girl who was from Japan. Alexys and Spencer told the little girl that this was our mom's house so they were asking if they could help the little girl. She said, “I just wanted to tell your mom that your grandma said everything's going to be okay.” She had this dream about a month after my grandma passed away. December 09, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming about your dead husband cheating, which he did in real life. Every dream I have of him, we are always arguing! August 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Lubing up. Inserting two live snakes. Then administering the warm milk enema and waiting until the snakes started to drown and thrash around inside the colon before ascending the altar and beginning the erotic ritual for our congregation. All just like in real life - but then in the dream version PETA raids our church and we all must flee. July 18, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a zombie apocalypse. I lived on an island. I lived in a couple different small remote houses and we would let the zombie parades go by our house. We would wait for every zombie on the island to go by our house for the day. It was like a scheduled event. My brother and his wife (who is pregnant in real life) were gorilla wranglers. One day, I drove from one end of the island to the other to see my parents. While I was staying at their house (the house I live in real life at 22 years old), a couple zombies started banging on the front door. We ran inside while my father went to dispose of them. I realized there were 2 more at the back door. My mother went out back to handle them. She stabbed the first one in the brain and proceeded to do the same with the second. Only it just dropped the second one for a minute. The second zombie appeared to be just slightly fazed by it. Watching from the inside, I saw a third zombie attack my mother from behind while she was wondering how this second zombie could still be "alive." I ran outside to help but it was too late and the third zombie was eating my mother's brains. I killed it. The second zombie was still alive so I tried stabbing it in the head but when I did, it's skull was filled water and was translucent. She just looked up at me and laughed. I felt cheated and that it was not worth caring about because it's impossible to kill this zombie. July 16, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was about sixteen years old. i was dating a guy i really loved. i have never seen that man in real life and i cant remeber what he looked like. but one day he commited suicide and i was broken. i cried day and night. and i cant reameber properperly but the apartment he lived in was also burnred down after he died. and then his sister tried to console me. i cried infront of her and she held me. and eventually i fell for his sister. we never started officially dating but we looved each other. and at last we visited the apartment my boyfriend used to live in. it was abandoned now. i dont remeber anything after that July 01, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Someone i haven't spoken to in years started plucking my left over leg hairs that didn't get waxed properly. I really liked this and felt so in love with him and it felt so intimate. I have never had feelings for this guy in real life and I don't even know where he is now. We barely even spoke in real life. June 17, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis