My dream was concerning my fiance. In my dream she died from an illness that only she and her parents knew about. I don't know how I found out but when I did I sobbed on the bathroom floor. I remember saying "Oh my baby, my baby." She died from blood clots. Her mom sent me a text saying "We loved her dearly and son, she loved you with all of her heart" and 3 candid pictures of my fiance and me that I had never seen before. We were laughing at a park table in the summer. She had on a light blue top with sunglasses. On the bathroom floor I desperately wanted to ask her what heaven was like. She's no longer here for me to reach out to her. We talk about anything and everything together. Now all I have left are memories and 3 pictures. What does this mean? December 16, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I dream I was down river with my cousin with one fear guy but the water was so clean that the only thing I was looking for was my phone to snap some pictures December 13, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreaming of fish swimming in the ocean and me taking pictures of them December 02, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My friend Sara and I were sitting on the mountains and all of the sudden I wanted to take a picture of the sky because it was so beautiful and as I was taking the picture this plane is coming and so I'm waiting for it to pass so I can get a picture but it ends up getting closer and closer and it ends up crashing and I thought that it the sky so much prettier because it had the dark pink and orange and then grey from the smoke but it was so scary at the same time. And then the plane exploded and somehow the debris was sent so far that it hit me and it was this giant fiery hunk of metal but after it hit me I just stood up and was telling people how I saw that plane crash and explode and tried showing them the burn marks that I could feel on me but the marks weren't showing. And the last part I remember of it was asking Sara to send me the pictures I took. November 26, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
: I was sitting in a auditorium that I haven't been to yet, only seen pictures. Watching some play my mom was sitting in front of me to the left and there was some werid person sitting beside me. One that seemed to have trouble in life. I sat there and listen to their conversation lately relizing the person was aan but I thought was a latly. As it went on I was talking to one if my dad's friends who had been standing to the side the whole time. I was eating candy I asked him if he wanted some. He said no but leaned in and grasped my butt, then put his finger in my butthole. I bit his eyebrow but had candy in myout so u didn't do much damage. He then said, I am the only person that never abused you. Then I ran it's was like halls and halls and halls. Then I passed a girl wile was crying and running and she said, what is she doing again? So I kept running a found a door and ran starig by into a lady I didn't know and hugged her and sobbed into her arms. She started telling me about her story then I woke up. October 09, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with family and friends in a jumpy castle underwater.There was seaweed, starfish, seals and sand that sometimes made the water unlcear. We were all sliding down the bouncy castle holding hands and taking pictures. At One ppoint my sister's white top got dirty because she squashed a starfish while sliding the bouncy castle. October 04, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I have a dream that im holding a wet envelop (previously soaked in water) with money and pictures inside October 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My family and I were all standing in a line, and we were comparing ourselves to how we looked from years back. Our past selves came out and stood in front of us. We took pictures, then our past selves were gone. January 18, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
Anger and frustration breaking mothers glass figures and hung pictures on the wall invaded in glass frames October 19, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis