Understand My Dreams

Dreams phone call

I was at my house and I had a phone call saying my ex and his new girlfriend was coming over and her mum dropped them off, they came into my house and was sat in my living room, i then called up one of my friends to come round, when my friend came I started to do all my hair and makeup too look nice, me and my friend then started ringing boys to try piss my ex off, I had tried to look nice to show him what he's missing. Him and his new girlfriend was just sat on my sofa together, I think then I envenutually told them to just get out

A man falls off the back of a moving bus and rolls down the road and hits several people. These people lose their balance and causes a chain reaction and they start falling off a the top of a very tall Mayan Pyramid into their death. Most of them are tourists and fall to their death. A close up of one man with a backpack and orange shorts goes in slow motion. This man keeps falling and lands on a lower platform. He is still alive, as he tries to turn and reach for his cell phone and make one last call his arm separates from his body because of the injuries. The arm falls into the floor while the hand is till holding the cell phone. The man then rolls and falls into the ground in order to reach for his arm. He grabs the phone with his other hand and makes one last phone call to his family, letting them know he's gonna die.

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