I went into a coffee shop right beside my office with a coworker to get food to take back to the office when I came out of the coffee shop I got lost and ended up collapsing in another office. It felt like a stroke my coworker saw it happen but nobody called an ambulance. I was panicking because I had to get back to work March 30, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about a dentist office . And in the dentist office there were these cats . The cats were like a therapeutic type animal clinic and when you would go to get your teeth cleaned you would pick out your cat of your choice and pet it while you get your teeth cleaned . September 21, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I went on a ride along with my dad (he's a cop) and we had a shooting call outside of the police station. Multiple officers were down and my dad had to take down the suspect. September 21, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt when i was sleeping my would be office and it had alot of rubbish and some aunties on the well May 28, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Im in a house and my ex boyfriend shows up. he is a dangerous person with a cunning deceitful personality that if he wishes can hide very well. i feel i am walking on egg shells around him its just a matter of time before something bad happens. i dont know what he was yelling at me about but he was then physically violent towards me. he was trying to kill me. i dont know how but next thing i know i knocked him out and left him laying on the floor i went to neighbors house for help n called police. the boyfriend came there screaming at the door. the police came we go back to my house the ex is gone he fled in his truck. he left huge crash marks indents and cracks in the wood floor. and much damage through out the house. the police noticed where on two doors that enter the house someone had jimmed or pryed them open in the past and gained access inside. when i try to give police information on him i notice in my office things paperwork had been rifled through. in my mind i have no confidence police would even try to apprehend him even though he has extensive criminal past May 15, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt working at an office and this lady came and say I smell nice. August 03, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I was in a doctors office and I was getting stuff injected into me. Then I dreamed I was in a Forrest with my brother and sister and we were in a game. We saw some mushrooms and we ate some. My sister began to hallucinate and I was calm. June 11, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a college taking a class. I was slower than the other students, so the professor tasked me with taking her computer screen and bringing it to her office. But she never told me where the office was, so I wound up wandering the entire college. I entered another class to ask for directions, but the professor glared at me and said nothing. I entered another office, but I got yelled at. As I wandered about the college, a blonde girl stops me, smiles, and says "You're everywhere, dude!" May 05, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream once where i was at my house with my mom and my cousin. We were all sitting in my moms office watching tv when we suddenly heard the front door open. I remember thinking this was odd because it wasn’t five o’ clock yet and thats when my dad gets home so we knew it wasn’t my dad. My mom said to go check it out so I did and when I got there I remember seeing this old lady with a long nose and was kind of short lady. I think she was a witch. Anyways, when I saw her I just remember my mom, cousin, and I just screaming at the top of our lungs because we didn’t know who she was and then she started chasing us and she caught my mom and cousin first. Then I ran around the house for quiet a while until finally she caught me then I woke up. April 23, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis