Being kidnapped in a taxi killing the driver
It was raining and I couldn’t catch a bus so I caught a taxi and the taxi drivers were kidnapping me. so i called my grandma and told her what was happening, what they looked like, where we were going. then i hung up and jumped out the car. everyone was trying to kill me. it was a competition for women to kill women and be the last one standing. a man killed me and i’m a woman
A vimpier kidnaped me and i fell inlove with him but he looked really hot and skiny and taller than me and nobody like that would love me
It was raining and I couldn’t catch a bus so I caught a taxi and the taxi drivers were kidnapping me. so i called my grandma and told her what was happening, what they looked like, where we were going. then i hung up and jumped out the car. everyone was trying to kill me.
Kidnaped by my mum and severly abused
Kidnaped bymy mum and severly abused
Being kidnapped in a taxi with my friend
Sitting at a bar a friend attempts to hand me ancient threads before snapped awake
Kidnapped in my dream
We want to go on ice cream shop there were two ways 1.longcurt 2.shortcut We choose shortcut.The shortcut was very long and I was kidnapped But my big brother saved me