Two children their fingers were blackening until when touched they melted away.I opened a door to a room, the children's room. An old lady was setting it on fire, I thought to kill any disease. The flames danced. I felt scared but did not want the children to be frightened. I closed the door and went to the children. I gave them each a hug and a kiss on the head. They dipped their hands in a liquid, a medicine I think. I left the house, in a robe and barefoot, the ground was wet from rain and I went down the cement stairs. As I walked away the whole house was enflamed. July 31, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
A small snake bite my fingures am shoked then go to more no of hospital no one gv me the medicine.i fell guddines that time one person came and scratch my fingures and take out the poison November 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream, I dreamt of my husband, as we are separated. In my dream was my daughter and my late mother inlaw and father inlaw. Me and my father inlaw were riding horses and looking for medicines and my mother inlaw and husband were around a bond fire with my daughter and they were waiting for us to bring the medicine. My dream then shifted and my husband had passed away, but was still alive? this is where me and my father inlaw were getting medicines and my mother inlaw was preparing them. My father inlaw went to talk with my husband and told him that he made the choice not to be here and there is no turnign back. Later my mother and father inlaw left and we never seen them again. November 09, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I lied to my teacher and get nothing for illnesses and my mother brought the medicine to class and my teacher saw it. she told me that i lied to her and wanted me to tell her. so i told her September 30, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I lied to my teacher that i don't have any sicknesses but i have seizers. my mom gave me my medicine in the middle of class. i accedentally dropped one and after class i went to pick it up to put it in the medicine's container. my teacher saw the container and told me that you lied to me by not telling me you take medici9ne. after the class finished she asked me to write on the paper why i take the medicine and the signs that show the sickness. i told her and she kept it a secret. September 30, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My father was sick and I was giving him injections of medicine November 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I am pregnant with twins but only give birth to one and I have to wait to give birth to the second. Also the first birth I feel no pain and no medicine is given October 04, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis