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Dreams lute

Found 103 dreams containing lute - Page 5

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I had a dream about me in a new apartment. Now let me explain the inside the apartment it a two bedroom a large livingroom with two middle large windows i had curtains but one of the window had kitchen curtains which covered almost the window the other window had full curtains.Now bedrooms one of them had flute on like bed the other i couldn't see it now i sleep in the livingroom and kept looking out the livingroom with the kitchen curtains when someone knock at door so person knock at the door i guess because i let him then one of my cousin friend knock at the door she gay now she ask could she just sleep on corner on my rug i guess but letting her in another person was with her but she a very short person out side of doot waiting for me too let her too but i was feeling some type of way but the guy i most of have known him not because i let him in .

I found an abandoned female toddler in a shack in the middle of the woods who had been raised by apes. She was absolutely hideous; she had broken teeth, furry eyebrows, and horrifyingly damaged hair. When I picked her up I noticed she had terrible skin breakdown on her buttocks. I vividly saw her name as Protonefferrrre. I also saw her family tree which consisted of all monkeys and apes, but on a separate branch I saw the faces of her biological parents. They were still alive but unable to be found. I felt the need to care for this little girl so I took her home and adopted her.

I was driving up to the Grand Canyon with my family. It is a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. I thought to myself, “what a wonderful day to go out on a family outing”. As we drive my family starts laughing and I wonder what is so funny and I looked down and I wasn’t wearing a single stitch of clothing. My face turned red and I felt embarrassed. I heard someone yelling at me as well. When I looked in the back of the car my vocal coach was there yelling at me saying “you are wrong, this is wrong!” we just kept driving along and suddenly the car turned into a giant pre-calc test with an “F” on it and it was chasing after me! I ran away from it saying “No, go away! I don’t want you!!” The test started leapt off the ground and began to fly hovering over me. Then it dove right into me and I was in the car again. I was scared and the day that had been so sunny and warm turned into a windy cold rainy day. As I watched the weather change I felt sad because it wouldn’t be as much fun going to the Grand Canyon in rainy, windy weather as it would be if it were sunny and warm. I looked I unbuckled my seat belt to talk to my mom in the passenger’s seat and neither of my parents were there, so there was no one driving the car! Absolute terror ran through my every vein. I felt my pulse racing and I went to grab the wheel but it was locked I watched as the car smashed right into a telephone pole. The car went up and came back down and flipped over, leaving me trapped under its debris. I screamed so loudly that my throat hurt but no one could hear me. I started to cry because I couldn’t find my family that had been in the car with me when we crashed. As best I could being in the trapped position that I was in I tried to find where my brothers had gone. There was no sight of them so I figured that they had been ejected from the car! I was shaking and screaming because I didn’t know what to do and no one could hear me. Just then a majestic white bird appeared next to me and said “its not your time yet”, then disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. I was confused, I didn’t know what the bird meant by that. Then I closed my eyes and I was back in the same vehicle that had just been in a gruesome car accident. We were at the top of the Grand Canyon now. I breathed a huge sigh of relief saying to myself“they are ok, thank god! I went over to the edge of the Canyon and stepped on a loose rock and fell over the edge. I reached out but no one grabbed me. I looked up and to the sky and saw a beautiful color blue. I hit the ground and say my family standing over my grave, crying and mourning

7/6 - I dreamt that I ordered pizza (it immediately appeared on the table) and it looked like there was just large slices of cheddar cheese on top and I started eating it but it was disgusting. I then remembered that we had leftover pizza from a better place so I asked my mom and she responded very sarcastically "Yes Trevor?" (Trevor is my cousin) (she was implying that he always asks for our left over pizza?!) and when I was looking for it, sitting in front if my fridge, I was frantically shoving food in my face (chocolate chips out of a plastic bag, everything) but none of it tasted good. I finally found the right pizza but that didn't taste good either. The whole while my sister’s boyfriend was watching me critically. 7/11 – I dreamt at school the kids learned how to clone themselves. It was really dangerous because the clones would be mutated and deranged. I was, at first, the only one who experimented with cloning and I organized a meeting (some secret society of students?) warning everyone else not to. Then, while I was in the bathroom / locker room I see this strangely deformed person walking towards me it appeared like he didn't have a head. I ran screaming into some guys shower (I don't know his name and he doesn't go to milford? he might have been Brendan from work??) and he tried to lie but eventually told me he made a clone of himself. I was furious. The bathroom / locker room was absolute chaos, water was spurting everywhere, people were vomiting, and it reeked. The kids were in charge of this place (it was like a secret hideout / meeting place that adults didn't know about) and we were responsible to clean it and keep it safe. I went into one of the bathroom stalls and I was having a panic attack and my parents were waiting outside the school to pick me up but I couldn't leave with all the clones running around and I was stepping on vomit and I was gagging. 7/21 – I dreamt my bonsai tree died. It was all dried up and light brown. All the leaves were still on it and it looked pretty but in a very sad way. When I asked my mom what happened, she angrily threw it out the window. 7/24 – I dreamt I was in the MHS pool with some other people and they were playing a game similar to volleyball in the deep end but I was the ball. So I would curl up and grab on to one of their fingers and they would fling me. 8/2 – I dreamt Jessie had really bad poison Ivy. I went into our room and she was sitting on her bed looking at a weird like spell book and she had something on the palm of her hand but I couldn't really see it. I sat down next to her and she takes my hand, palm facing up and touches the center while whispering something I couldn't hear. Next thing I know it was like I was being embroidered with an invisible needle. The string wove in and out of my skin, creating a little circular design which I promptly cut and pulled out because I was so freaked out and angry that she did that. It hurt. Little holes were left where the string went into my skin. 8/5 – I dreamt I was in an art museum and I went to take the elevator to go up (I was with someone else- Joan?) it got stuck like a foot away from the top and there is no way we could have reached the platform and it was tilted so we started yelling for help but then the cable gave out and we started free falling which seemed infinite. 8/11 – I dreamt I was at the mall in some busy shop where jewelry was sold and the guy who owned it was a jerk. So I was taking my rings off to try other ones on and I ended up losing my favorite gold ring that has a little heart on it and I was devastated. When I asked the owner if he had seen it he informed me that he sold it to someone else. After a lot if harassing, he eventually called the guy up and found his whereabouts, which happened to be still in the mall. He was in the "historical part of the mall" dressed up like a giant cheeseburger, his eyes could be seen in the mayonnaise part of it. So I went to go and look for him but then I see my friends and I go over to them to tell them what happened. All of a sudden Ansel Elgort and Mathew Gray Gubler and the giant cheeseburger come over to us, dancing and singing about nutrition. After they were done Ansel flopped on the couch to with us to take pictures but it seemed like my phone had infinite apps and I could not find the camera one. 8/12 – I dreamt I was on vacation in some log cabin with a lot of my family, (uncles aunts etc) One day I come home and I could kinda tell something was up so I frantically ask "Where is my violin?.." and my dad informed me that it was by the window. So I go over and I see it lying face down, next to it's case but not in it. I start to panic. I asked who moved it and why isn't it in it's case? They know better than to touch it... My dad said something like "Oh well me and all the uncles are going to have a lil two day Woodstock". I pick it up and I notice that the whole top piece of the instrument is missing and I am livid. I start screaming in a horribly high pitched voice demanding who did it. I see my Uncle Bill and there's something in his hand. Upon further examination I see that he has the top of the violin and he appeared to be wrapping it in plastic wrap. I started screaming at him and all he had was this strange little smile on his face as if this was all very amusing to him. I was yelling stuff like "THEY ARE SO COMPLEX AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HALF OF WHAT YOU DID" I woke up when I yelled (in my dream I yelled it but I really murmured it in real life) "I TRUSTED YOU!!" 8/15 – I dreamt there was a secret pool on the roof of MHS (but it wasn't like the literal roof, it still had a ceiling) everything was grey and cement like, except there were these orange tube lights lining the top of the walls. The water felt extremely heavy and I was having a hard time swimming in it. Other kids from the swim team were also there. It was as if we were warming up for a meet.

I had a dream about me in a new apartment. Now let me explain the inside the apartment it a two bedroom a large livingroom with two middle large windows i had curtains but one of the window had kitchen curtains which covered almost the window the other window had full curtains.Now bedrooms one of them had flute on like bed the other i couldn't see it now i sleep in the livingroom and kept looking out the livingroom with the kitchen curtains when someone knock at door so person knock at the door i guess because i let him then one of my cousin friend knock at the she gay now she ask could she just sleep on corner on my rug i guess but letting her in another person was with her but she a very short person out side waiting for me too let her but i was feeling some type of way but the guy i most of have known him not that good but a feeling. .

Ballsiest,Last week, is the first thing you notice about it. but it might be possible overseas when you have first dibs on hot new companies in countries with fledging capital markets. Florida on Aug. along with other tasty offerings from Narragansett." strays into purple prose and strained analogies But the premise is strong the work appealing and the juxtapositions telling Particularly impressive is the success with which the curators elucidate the "no" the work that failed to meet the artists standards In most cases the artist would hide this but Close has allowed some of his rejected work to be seen in multiple iterations which is fascinatingAnd it is Close who emerges as the most provocative of the three major artists represented Closes work has long focused on the dispassionate geography of the human face the surface data of unsentimental portraiture At Crown Point he has experimented with particularly difficult technical challenges the creation of a large-scale mezzotint from a black-and-white head shot of a man named "Keith" and the use of woodblock printing to replicate a watercolor of a woman named "Leslie" Closes wife at the time In another project based on a self-portrait he attempts to collage together different images that represent stages in the three-color separation process of printingIn his painted work Close has meticulously built up photo-realist images by layering red blue and then yellow until a fully colored work emerges thus replicating the separation process of color printing In some of his printed work he attempts to highlight the wonderful absurdity and virtuosity of this meticulous process of photo-realist painting allowing the various stages of color separation to commingle with patches of red blue and purple or a collaged and lurid riot of different prints that bring brilliant yellows and greens and blues into painful proximity we will be the first to call for a full restoration of U. We should move urgently to deepen our engagement with the Egyptian people on this basis.“I’m not good at math,an IRS official being bad at math! —and wound up punctuating what was a torturous response to the A skeptical press corps peppered Lerner with questions many of which she and her staff were unable or unwilling to answerA sampling:1 IRS officials claimed that there was no political bias behind the targeting of these conservative groups but they failed to produce any examples of similar targeting of groups with non-conservative-sounding names Initially they suggested that other non-conservative-sounding names might have been targeted By the end of the call though Lerner acknowledged: “I only said that because I never like to say ‘absolutely not’ I don’t have any information on that”2 Lerner wouldn’t say whether anyone is being disciplined then appeared to say there was no disciplinary action then went back to saying she wouldn’t comment Federal personnel rules appear to prohibit Lerner from discussing discipline so she has some justification for not commenting But that justification was never explained and instead she was pressed repeatedly on why she wouldn’t discuss discipline3 Lerner said she disclosed the information because someone asked her about it Friday morning —indicating that she had no plans to release the information publicly despite the confirmed wrongdoing4 When asked how they found out about the wrongdoing Lerner said the investigation stemmed from media reports about conservative groups claiming that they were targeted not from any internal review5 Lerner and her staff tried to get off the phone call after less than half an hour of questioning but Columbia Journalism Review reporter (and Pulitzer Prize winner) David Cay Johnston informed them that they had better stay and answer everyone’s questions They stayed on the call for another 20 minutes By the end they said Lerner had to get to some appointments and cited the “repetitive” line of questioning Johnston informed them that it was because they weren’t answering the questionsKaren Tumulty contributed to this post It doesn’t take the most nuanced or careful view of a country with one of the world’s highest-geared propaganda machines, it is fascinating to have this glimpse inside the hermit kingdom, where the RNC hopes to swing just enough votes to tip those states in Mitt Romneys electoral vote column.

7/11 – I dreamt at school the kids learned how to clone themselves. It was really dangerous because the clones would be mutated and deranged. I was, at first, the only one who experimented with cloning and I organized a meeting (some secret society of students?) warning everyone else not to. Then, while I was in the bathroom / locker room I see this strangely deformed person walking towards me it appeared like he didn't have a head. I ran screaming into some guys shower (I don't know his name and he doesn't go to Milford? he might have been Brendan from work??) and he tried to lie but eventually told me he made a clone of himself. I was furious. The bathroom / locker room was absolute chaos, water was spurting everywhere, people were vomiting, and it reeked. The kids were in charge of this place (it was like a secret hideout / meeting place that adults didn't know about) and we were responsible to clean it and keep it safe. I went into one of the bathroom stalls and I was having a panic attack and my parents were waiting outside the school to pick me up but I couldn't leave with all the clones running around and I was stepping on vomit and I was gagging.

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