Understand My Dreams

Dreams lobby

I dreamt that I was in a school and this girl was spraying hairspray on my head & hair and had a lighter trying to light me on fire. There were other people around that had burn marks on their face and head from being burned. They seemed to enjoy having their hair burn and scalp melt. I was struggling with her to try and get the lighter out of her hand and remember trying to twist her fingers and break them, but it wasn't working. I was able to escape her but everyone else in the school was trying to do the same thing. I eventually found a teacher who was trying to help me get out but more people were coming. In the lobby, they were pouring gas on me and had lighters ready to burn me, then I woke up.

It started out with me and my long term ex girlfriend in a kitchen together, talking and possibly making food. We were then about to get into a bed but i found myself walking down some stairs, into a street and meeting with a number of people i don't know but was friendly with. I was then walking down a street, bumping into an organization of people. I then found myself inside a the lobby of a hotel, staring at a laptop and phone charger. I needed the charger and after talking to a member of the organization that had appeared earlier, a voice told me to take it, which i did. The owner, who was an member of staff from my old college, came and stopped me. I then appeared to wake up. I looked over at my laptop and it was smashed. I got out of bed and tried to get out of my room but began to fall backwards slowly, sinking into the ground. I was now walking down a street. I stopped in a town square and felt one of my teeth come out. I told a friend who had appeared next to me what had happened.

I'm at a pretty nice hotel checking in for a work type convention or event, and I'm excited. I'm in the parking lot unloading my baggage when I start hearing this women talking about me, with a picture of me, asking people if they've seen me etc. I get the sense that its not a good thing so I lay low and I sneak into the hotel. She spots me in the lobby and starts chasing me through the halls. I duck into a room and lock the door. She tries to get security to open the door but I've bolted it shut. I create a diversion by throwing a home made molotov cocktail with stuff from the mini bar and then run out of the door. And we keep running in circles. I see her bump into someone she knows at like the hotel bar/resteraunt so I use the time to try and escape, and I run into this creepy like ballroom/activities room at the end of the hotel. I think I'm safe hiding in this creepy room for a second until I realize there are things in the room, and I sneak around the corner and see these disgusting giant bug like monsters sawing and disembowling little children and eating them piece by piece and I scream and run out of that room and straight into this girl, who i figured out is a female bounty hunter, and we start fighting

I was going to an AHS play and afterward I saw Alex across the room so I go say hi to him, we hug and get to talking about the show. We are really close together and our hands brush and all of a sudden he grabs my hand and pulls me closer. We walk out into the lobby and sit on the steps facing each other, he puckers his lips and point to his cheek so I kiss him, then he turns around and I wrap my arms around him and settle my head into his neck. We sit like that for a while and I whisper to him how many times I have wondered if he felt like this towards me and he said he felt it every time he saw me. His parents showed up asking questions and then they left, then my parents show up seeing us like that and walk back out, we begin to make out when my Grandy walks in and begins crying about something. This fades away and I am back at GC and Sean walks my way, then I wake up.

So in my dream I was going to an AHS play and afterward I saw Alex across the room so I go say hi to him, we hug and get to talking about the show. We are really close together and our hands brush and all of a sudden he grabs my hand and pulls me closer. We walk out into the lobby and sit on the steps facing each other, he puckers his lips and point to his cheek so I kiss him, then he turns around and I wrap my arms around him and settle my head into his neck. We sit like that for a while and I whisper to him how many times I have wondered if he felt like this towards me and he said he felt it every time he saw me. His parents showed up asking questions and then they left, then my patents show up seeing us like that and walk back out, we begin to make out when my Grandy walks in and begins crying about something. This fades away and I am back at GC and Sean walks my way, then I wake up.

Me and my boyfriend were at a park argueing about where my daughter was. I knew he had taken her somewhere and didn't want to tell me. He kept saying he didn't know where she was. Next thing I know im searching for her, at a conveinence store , the store turns into like a lobby. My boyfriend was then at my parents house and I call over to let them know i was calling the sherrif for something didnt tell them that my daughter was missing but if they showed up to arrest my boyfriend before i got their i'd explain later. After i called the sherrif i was then at my parents and was argueing with my boyfriend and was asking where our daughter was, he still kept saying no, then i told him that i called the sherrif, then my father walked outside because he was angry and then he opened the door and let my daughter in and she was soaking wet and wearing glasses. her arms were driping water and she was smiling so happy to see us, I ran outside to see who had dropped her off and it was a truck driving away slowly. Then the police drove up right after and asked if she was still missing. I said no but they just dropped her off.

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