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Dreams hops

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was in india with my dad and I sitting down and 3 people died 2 sisters and a brother. I was called away and I was seeing my dad trying to catch a miniature giraffe in mud but he couldn't. I tried to help and I caught a baby giraffe that could sit in my had it looked almost like it was meant to live in the water with fins. I washed it and cared for it then all of a sudden it changed into a baby boy so i cared for him and he grew very fast. I saw the 3 dead siblings again and was disgusted that they had not been given a proper burial by their family. I caught a taxi with my new little boy and my son to the shops and beofre i woke the new little boy called me mummy and me and my sons walked away together.

I dreamt about my ex.s new girlfriend but only her name and it was the rong name for her but it was similar so me and me mates were saying its understandable how a cud a cud get it rong then my ex was in my house throughout moving to different rooms then he was in my bed smiling n a was fine with that then a was up nxt to me mams house and a had pinched a pound for a tatoo then a was sneaking about on a well known street in our street to get the tatoo it was the middle ov the middle ov the nite n a old woman in a red jacket talking to her self on the way past me then she disappeared and a was at the machine to get me tatoo and it was one ov them were the used to be out side the shops n got bouncy balls from.and the tatoo a got was the same as my lilttle boy bought a cuple days before in real life

Get into my art teacher's basement and get chased by a bloody killer that uses knives that chops meat. I run past some Rudolf-shaped trees and go towards a huge wooden house. Tries to ring the bell and knock the door but no one appears. So I run into a building with arcades, market and food court. I go upstairs and hide under an arcade machine. I notice the killer on an armchair so I run down and ask the merchants for help. The merchants tries to shoo the killer and hid me in the medicine room.

I was sneaking in the back of a makeup studio while people were coming in for interviews, and the person that was supposed to be there conducting interviews wasn't there. I took the applications and told the people I'd call them. I set my phone down on the computer desk and played around in makeup for awhile. I then left so I wouldn't get caught. I forget why I was walking or where I was going to, but I got lost, and I asked a tiny child how to get back to the makeup place because I lost my phone. The kid sounded like he knew EXACTLY where I was talking about, and he told me to come with him. He found a man who had a thick Jamaican accent and gave him twenty dollars. In exchange the man gave him a pile of nickles (about 2$ worth). The nickles were covered in grimey stuff and the kid took half the nickles and gave them back to him. The man then pulled out a handful of maggots an d put them on the ground next to the nickles (wtf:??) and the kid smiled. At this point I knew they wouldn't know where to take me...but the kid (who was about 8) looked at me and said 'we drive there?' He walks to a car, I hop in, and he hops in the driver seat. He drives backwards over four narrow bridges at CRAZY fast speeds. I'm worried now because I don't have my phone, and my significant other might be mad at me because he can't call me to see if I'm ok. I'm also LIVID at this kid, who despite my pleas won't stop going over the narrow bridges which are a car width wide at best. Finally, I get out and a spooky looking dude with one eye says if I walk north for a minute and then west, I'll find it. I thank him. I pass through a blue bouncey-house on the way to the makeup place and my phone falls out of my pocket. Turns out I had my phone the whole time.

I've had this dream recently , but for some reason , I really need to know what the meaning is ... . My Dream , I don't remember much of it but I remember Justin driving me into the shopping car park, first into the no roof car park. We got out of the car, we held hands and walked towards the shopping mall, we were giggling and laughing . WE went up the escolaters( however they are spelt} , he held me close and told me jokes, making me laugh , and him laughing at his own jokes. Justin looked to the left while chuckling , I smiled at him and he smiled back. We were just goofing off , you know? . We walked hand in hand to kmart { a everything shop in australia}. We walked past the scanners talking and then saw flashing lights. We turned around confused and saw a person taking photos of us ( papparazi). Justin pulled me into the clothing section and started cussing " ****... Oh ****!" he said walking around worriedly. I don't know why, but my heart flinched everytime he sweared. I told him to relax and hide with me , pulling his arm. i said it about 5 Times " Justin Please .. listen to me .. I'll hide you" . But he refused. " I'm sorry , i have to leave, without you..." He said . He kissed my lips gently, I was shocked. He reminded me his name is Justin Mccane , I guess that was to keep him on low profile. and He disappeared. i was upset but I understood . I tried to follow him but he was no where to be found. I couldn't go outside it was too dark and Justin drove me here , so I had no car. I felt replaced and helpless. I saw Matthew { a Friend from drama class ) smiling at me when he saw me. I walked back into the shops trying to get him to notice me, by showing off { so h could take me home} .. didn't work. I called mum to come pick me up. I went to the police station to try and find him, I saw a paper with justin bieber on it . That;s all I remember . I knew there was more ... but pleeeeaseeee interpret it for me

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