I had a dream that i was at the graveyard of a person's funeral and the weather was so beautiful and sunny
Saw a grave with my name written in bold! i saw my friend who died recently tells me to go the graveyard however i refuse to go
I was in graveyard where all the garvestones where blue, and i was in a house where the family didn't want us too leave and i couldn't escape without both my slipers on as i couldn't fly
My nipple was torn off and I ate it without knowing it. Also, I was on the island with the lost people, and we were being chased by giant donuts and bees. There was a graveyard with weird headstones. And a guy kept trying to shoot us with guns.
I suddenly was at the bottom of a hill it wasnt too tall but it sloped up a bit. i walked up it and realized it was a graveyard. i walked around a bit and found a coffin that was on a stand kind of like the ones that are used to display the remains of the loved one who passed away. i had a feeling that i had to open it and i did. when i opened the coffin i saw my grandpa who passed away in 2004 and he got up and was walking around talking to me but i dont remember what he said. we were walking around and then suddenly he disappeared. i ran to the coffin and there was nothing there. somehow my grandpa disappeared. then i woke up and my dream ended. i never dreamed about it again but its bothered me a bit, wondering what happened and what it meant.
I was walking in a cemetary. There was smoke or fog and a scary looking tree. I was walking parallel to a wolf as I followed it through the graveyard. All of a sudden the wolf come from nowhere and jumped at me, causing me to fall backward over something and wake up with a start.
Was in graveyard, went back to boyfriend s house and my boyfriend and a Chinese boy wear going out. i was annoyed