A frog had escaped from a cage, I found it on a tree but it seemed to be losing its coloring. I collected it and carried it back to its cage but overheard someone say that the frog would die because I picked it up at the wrong time. August 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Frog crawling up my leg, I am holding a child and I am being fired from my job for not catching the frog August 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that me and my friend fell into a ditch together, and in that ditch, there were a frog a millions of bugs. July 02, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm visiting my childhood home, in the backyard. The rest of the family, including my dead grandmother, are in the house waiting for me to come inside. I'm playing in the frog pond and see three big ones and two small ones. I manage to catch the small one and bring it inside. I change into my swimming suit, which is kinda sexy, and com e back outside, where I see an ex boyfriend that I still want. We are getting along pretty well and he suggests that I jog with him. So he starts running and I cannot catch up with him. So does this mean anything? Either subconsciously or future wise because I believe in both. December 15, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Looking on the mirror I see three baby frogs swimming under my contact lens. As I remove the contacts and the jump out onto a daddy frogs back and then the frog family of five hope away. The adult frogs were clothed in outfits and almost smiling as they looked at me before they left. Then I pulled out another set of very thick contacts from my eyes. Resumed my shower. November 26, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Rummaging through a friend's house and find a letter directed towards you and picking up a cup with a spider in it and the spiders chases you out of the house into the woods. When you walk inside there is a frog on a Lilly pad July 19, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Demon was trying to attack me but couldn't reach me and my husband wanted to leave me unless I allowed another woman apart of our relationship I dance with a dead man and I kept chasing around a green frog and trying to feed it crickets February 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a military base somewhere in a jungle area, and I was studying frog development for some odd reason. I don’t remember the people inside the dream, but I remember one of them telling me I was dreaming and I needed to wake up. So I jumped off the stage I was on, only to wake up looking into the sun; then I woke up in real life. December 01, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis