Abandoned hotel hundreds of rooms looking for ex girlfriend who was killed in accident. I was off looking for her b loved dog and grant him to her. A mysterious helper located my girlfriend for me. She was in a room unconscious under mattress.
My ex girlfriend committed suicide
I dreamt my ex girlfriend and her family forgave me and allowed me in their life
Dreamnt of saying goodbye to my ex girlfriend and our dog. Deciding to go on a trip alone.
My ex girlfriend
To dream of my ex girlfriend sister
My ex girlfriend running away from me the moment she saw me I tried to catch her bcs I wanted to talk her but she kept running until she vanished I had this dream twice in the same night ps: I had this dream after she dumped me and went for another guy.
My ex girlfriend running away from me
Dream a cow standing in my yard dreamt my boyfriend brushing his ex girlfriend while watching and later told me that we must go
Trying to escape the city where I lived with my ex girlfriend and having a gang way to reach the train, shooting people trying to stop me