Understand My Dreams

Dreams each other

I was inside a small concrete building with 2 beds on either side. I was in one, and two people I couldn't see were in the other. We both were covered with a blanket. There was nothing else in the room there was opening for a window and door but there was no window or door. Outside I could nothing but blackened objects and the red glow in the distant background making me feel or think that the world was ending. We could feel an unbearable heat coming and we covered ourselves trying to not be consumed or killed by it. At one point a large blanket appeared and I tried to cover myself with it but it quickly caught fire and I threw it off me. Just then then, this heat was upon us, I could feel it. As it overwhelmed me, I found myself near the top of a maintain covered in green grass. The sky was blue with few clouds. There were others there. They all had this happiness about them, adults around my age. We were just there, sitting, smiling, talking to each other. Something like a lion was running and jumping around us. It didn't look real. It was light in color, nearly white, and looked as though it was put together with blocks of something that could have been wood. As ran towards me, I was just a little afraid and as it batted at my arm with its paw, I realized it was being friendly and wanted me play with him or her, I'm not sure. At that point, I woke up.

Was sitting in the living room and I noticed ed a big woman standing in my front door with a scarf on her head and she was smiling, I raised from the sofa and shut and locked the door My daughter spoke a name Carolyn I said you know her she said no. I noticed there were 2 ladies walking through my house from the kitchen I immediately stood again and rushed the strangers out and locked the door again now my daughter is sweeping up glass from the floor with a crimson colored broom and she said I broke your phone, I said that's a lot of glass, my granddaughter and I walked in the kitchen and there were 2 white doors and we locked both of them. I was distracted by noise coming g from a lap top I tried to shut it off and u couldn't. As I entered the living room again my my daughter was now sitting in rhe family room across from the living room she was sitting on rhe floor braiding her daughter hair. At that moment there was a young man walking through the house he had a sky blue hood on that covered his face he reached into his pocket and threw 4 small items behind my daughter the items floated to the floor as I counted 1 2 3 4, my daughter finally noticed es him at that moment we stopped talking and we could read each other thoughts, I watched him go into my living room and he disappeared, daughter told me with her mind I'm going to get my gun. My granddaughter and I tipped to the second floor. There were 4 white doors.i entered 1 and locked it. I was rumbling through my dresser to look for my gun. My eyes became heavy I turned ti the door and a tree rose from the floor like a stick tree it was filled with birds not chirping but fluttering like the knew me. I turned and another door appeared there were 2 fingers holding a small glass under the door the glass was beautifully engraved with solid gold it was mesmerizing. I started to look gor my phone to call my daughter to check on her because everything was silence an S I looked for my phone I noticed my granddaughter was siu d asleep that quick with her eyes wide open. I was so tired I could barely move the dream has now become magical with the beautiful black and grey birds with white stripes under their wings. My phone rang in real time and I woke up feeling mystical like people were using my house as a method of transporting.

We have been given the task of completing our projects in school, I was done with my project and gave for checking to sir but sir said you all have to make an activity book also I was have my activity book with cover, but sir told me not to write anything on it I will give you, As I was about to speak shreyash mom come inside saying if he is done with his project then can I take him, but then sir told about activity also then I showed my my book to shreyash mom, sir said, like this also the school bell ranged, all students were going out of the class then I too packing my bag and almost out, but then I saw my love, shreyash , sharayu and sanhita was taking together , putting hands on each other,photos and sir too with them sir came to and they were still continuing , I went for photo as well saying lets take photo together but sharayu said, school is over you should go, I felt bad , they cannot take a photo with me, I ran down , tears in my see and I went back ground , then my love saw me setting alone he came to me , I turned my head and opened one of my book as I was soon to cry, he look at me I could not resist I said I am going he hold my hands and I stared crying, he said what to cry in that, I said I am fine you can go , he said I know why you crying, then I said, if you know then why you are standing he sat beside me and said you want to take photo right, I said it usual I usually take photos whats in it? then he said , no with me. I said, you don't care about never listening to me Why I will take photos, I was crying badly, he hugged me and took photos with me. And we were back to the ground I saw my van uncle left me and then I was sad again I said, to my love to give his phone to me to call , but he did't , he you can call from reception and I called my father , after few minutes he was back and as soo as my love was going father saw him and stared talking to him, I dont know why I think about scooty or cycle.... and then his friend mandar came they both were going together , but I said to wait and my father also see here's ice cream its nice they waited and we eated but they both did liked that I didt had it because I was unwell, but as soon as they eated they slipted, but my father liked it , also I was sad there I came home , then I saw that my van uncle was already there for some resnos also my pt teacher, van uncle said your pt teacher wants to talk to you, i said yes what it is? you have your match today but you have missed , i was sad again oh no, but you have your other events as well 200m and relay come with me to schoolnow for practice annd you can come to school anytime for practice. There was the birthday party of one student of one of our junior he invited us but I was sad again discussing about I dont have feild where I can practice then my friend sharayu said There is one building over there I has soil ground you can ask over there for practice, and then practice , I said fine, whenever I use to go was practice society members used to say that about me, but the head incharge said its fine . she is just for practice.

I attended a concert with a guy I have a crush on. He had friends there also. A dark haired woman confronted the guy and was upset that he was on a date with me and that they have children but he does not have children. We know each other in waking life in the past and he looked like back then 20 years ago. Other activities were at the concert and I took off my shoes, white sneakers. When I returned to get my shoes the dark haired woman was there and struggled to take my sneakers. I took another pair of sneakers that fitted, black and more worn with a rip near the toe area. The dark haired woman appeared to just finish selling tickets there and was upset her dog was in a car accident and I posted online about a dog in mishap. Much less severe and I was insensitive. The guy I’m with left the concert to meet up with his friends elsewhere

I was about sixteen years old. i was dating a guy i really loved. i have never seen that man in real life and i cant remeber what he looked like. but one day he commited suicide and i was broken. i cried day and night. and i cant reameber properperly but the apartment he lived in was also burnred down after he died. and then his sister tried to console me. i cried infront of her and she held me. and eventually i fell for his sister. we never started officially dating but we looved each other. and at last we visited the apartment my boyfriend used to live in. it was abandoned now. i dont remeber anything after that

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