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Dreams clear

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Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

The dream starts with me as a cameraman. I’m recording this narrow hallway, but I’m standing where there should be a wall. There is a mirror at the right end of the hallway, and it’s reflecting the hallway, but it’s dark. Even though the hallway is filled with light, you can see very clearly. And there are three girls standing in front of the mirror, but it’s not showing their reflections. They’re just standing there, heads angled down, and still as statues. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a shadow move in the mirror. As I watch, a woman walks up to the mirror from the inside. She’s wearing a white nightgown and has long black hair covering her face. I suddenly hear something along the lines of, “Don’t pan over the camera.” I don’t know if someone said that to me, or if I thought it inside the dream. Even though I don’t want to pan over the camera, I start doing that. As I pan over, I see the woman at the other end of the hallway. She suddenly sprints toward me, and then a jumpscare appears right in my face. It looks transparent, so I can still see everything happening behind this face. It’s of a person with huge eyes and a mouth full of shark-like teeth. I know that I dreamt something else in between this, but I can’t remember what it was. Then everything that I just wrote happened again, in exactly the same way.

The computer keyboard is so dusty I can’t clearly see the letters on the keys. I’m not a good touch typist, so I need to see those keys. I wipe the dust away, but it just keeps getting thicker and thicker. I try to type anyway, but I hit the wrong keys and have to keep hunting for the backspace key. I’m frustrated because I have to write. As I frantically wipe away at the dust it gets thicker and darker until my keyboard is covered in the rich, dark, grass-flecked dirt of my flower beds. I keep trying to dig through the dirt and type, but the dirt gets deeper and deeper. I can’t see my keyboard at all, but I dig and paw at the dirt, trying to find it.

I dreamt of my deceased grandmother she was holding my alive Dog she did not say anything to me she just looked at me while carrying my dog. I was sitting in the couch I was smoking some herbs in my house, I suddenly saw the room door opening i thought it was my dog who had woken up my mom, when I was apologizing to my mom thinking my dog had woken her up. As i'm applogizing to "my mom" once I looked up it wasn't her it was my deceased grandmother staring at me while she was holding my dog. My dog has his harness and he was calm with her. My grandmother never met my do we got him three years later after she passed away. My grandmother said nothing I was able to see her so clearly.

I have had-still having this dream every single night for about 7-8 months now and it starts as a purge type apocolyptic type scenery and I repeat the what I call "level" until I clear it without any fatalities. So the first few nights I would get to a certain point in the dream and then it all goes black and thats the end of the dream for the night, so I said hm I wonder why? Then during my dreams I started saying to myself and my crew of purgers "don't go odown this way, remember what happened last time they all busted out the door and ambushed us". So we end up not going there, then the dream advances onto the next level per say. This scenery was only for the first 4/5 months then it changes to a field trip going to north carolina where I see a big glass building with a deep black swimming pool that is said to be the darkest deepest body of water to the center of the earth with a dining table across the top, now the same sort of thing happens again I go through to this certain checkpoint almost and then this girl across from me falls in the water and disappears and then the waiter turns evil and makes us all jump in the water and then its just blackness-end of the dream, over a few nights I realized something bad happens when the girl falls into the water so my next dream I tell everyone "grab her shes about to fall in" and then the story carries on nicely and the waiter doesn't turn evil

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