Understand My Dreams

Dreams camping

Good morning. I am new to this forum. I am hoping that you kind folks can help me. Up until very recently I was a little bit skeptical about dream interpretation but I am having a series of dreams that leads me to believe that I am trying to tell me something...if that makes any sense. A few days ago I dreamt that a mountain lion got loose in my house. It was a wild animal, but I was completely unafraid of it. I was terrified that it would hurt my family but I had no fear for my own safety. I somehow knew that it would not hurt me. In fact, later in the dream, I went to go chase it out of the house and it was as tame as a house cat with me. Last night I dreamt that I was camping in the wilderness with someone. I am not sure who. We discovered a bear. Again, I was terrified that the bear would hurt my companion but in my dream I actually laid down and went to sleep within sight of the bear.

I am riding a bicycle in an industrial area. It's dark. the street lights are on and an eerie orange color. The roads seem to be blocked forcing me to take a certain direction thru the area. At some point I am at an intersection when ahead of me there is a freight train crossing my path blocking me. On a corner ahead between me and the train is a man in the dark. I am somewhat apprehensive to go near the person but I have to to get out of the area. I ride slowly hoping the train will be gone by the time I get to the man. As I get closer i realize the man is in a black t-shirt and women's sheer panty hose, he is visibly sexually excited and mumbling to himself. he is a good looking guy. As I pass by he starts trailing me. Soon I am between him and the train with no where to go. I see that he is slightly swinging a small camping hatchet, now I am extremely nervous.

I am riding a bicycle in an industrial area. It's dark. the street lights are on and an eerie orange color. The roads seem to be blocked forcing me to take a certain direction thru the area. At some point I am at an intersection when ahead of me there is a freight train crossing my path blocking me. On a corner ahead between me and the train is a man in the dark. I am somewhat apprehensive to go near the person but I have to to get out of the area. I ride slowly hoping the train will be gone by the time I get to the man. As I get closer i realize the man is in a black t-shirt and women's sheer panty hose, he is visibly sexually excited and mumbling to himself. he is a good looking guy. As I pas by he strats trailing me. Soon I am between him and the train with no where to go. I see that he is slightly swinging a small camping hatchet, now I am extremely nervous.

A few days ago I dreamt that a mountain lion got loose in my house. It was a wild animal, but I was completely unafraid of it. I was terrified that it would hurt my family but I had no fear for my own safety. I somehow knew that it would not hurt me. In fact, later in the dream, I went to go chase it out of the house and it was as tame as a house cat with me. Last night I dreamt that I was camping in the wilderness with someone. I am not sure who. We discovered a bear. Again, I was terrified that the bear would hurt my companion but in my dream I actually laid down and went to sleep within sight of the bear.

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