I saw a pond in which buffaloesare swimming. i asked a buffalo for bread she came out of the pond and running behind me then i called my brother to come to help me alongwith stick. October 01, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Their manager was much more tetchy than usual in his . "And with the help of others who worked from my stories that's how it came to be. I loved the idea of high school as microcosm of the real world. there is the potential to cause real damage to the health of the local population.Findings show evidence of women being actively restricted from services and methods, thanks to the workings of gravity means that the bottom half of each slice is saturated, so that "the cheese form[s] thin strings as you tear one piece of bread from the next". 2011 while the servicemen were on active duty in . were among five marines facing court martial charged with murder.8% smaller in 2015 than it thought just two years ago. UGG Knit October 05, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I went to the school were the guy i lost my virginity goes to and he asked me to go for a walk so i did and he asked me out and then we went to his house and his sister hates me and his parents needed bread so they asked us if we could go to the bakery to get bread so we did. on the way to the bakery he says "Dont worry, shell learn to like you." October 01, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream i was in building that was processing people to be transported. The being doing this i didn't recognize has humans. Before entering the main building i had a chip put in my wrist. The chip look like a sd card. Then i was in a line. Where everyone was being scanned and put on busses. When it was my turn my chip didn't scan .that's when the creatures yelled she wont scan. I insisted the chip was there. That it had become dislocated. They separated me ,i was begging for my baby they brought him to me. I was placed in a room that look like a bathroom. I was cleaning and try to think of a way to be useful so i wouldn't be put on the bus. I ask for food. I was hungry they brought me a sandwich with a rat in it. I said i can't eat this this creature used it's long nail to prick the rear f the rat and thats when blood gushed and they told see it's good. I hid the rat and was contemplating eating the two slices of bread. August 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I have seen my aged father.he asked me to call the owner of the house then i call my younger brother . there is a party.in which i am eating roti (bread). then my father went somewhere we are searching him. everyone say that he will die in two three day because he is too thin November 18, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a small room.filled with some people.I took the time to count them, theyre were a out 8 or 9 people..One person was curled up on a printer...I recieved a call on the phone from.a man inquiring about a large piece of land to see if it was for sake..I go oitside and see two white men, i handed one of them the telephone and i heard the guy say that something could be.done with.the pine trees on the land..I helped a lady fill out a registration.card for a free.doll...I was offered a piece of bread..I attempted to turn the water faucet on, but wasnt sure if i had paid the water bill. October 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I went to a restaurant with pearl, and it was flooded, and had food served in gondolas. Her gem cracked and she ran away, crying. She soon disappeared. I went on a trip with my friends, and saw a sunset. Jacob urinated in front of me, while I held his laptop. We slept in bunk beds. I found a piece of bread. We soon all laid on a couch somewhere else, and I cuddled with Julian as I ate a bowl of oatmeal October 18, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis