Understand My Dreams

Dreams africa

I was at my mothers home. Though the home looked nothing like her home or any home I had ever been in before. It was nighttime, and my sister and I were going to go somewhere together. We opened the door of moms home, and walked down a few wooden steps to the wooden deck that overlooked mom's large parking area. My nieces was getting into a car with some other kids some other kids getting ready to go somewhere at the same time my sister and I were getting into her car. That's when I noticed a very dear friend of the family walking up the driveway with her two young boys. Excitedly I jumped out of the car to greet them. I walked with them into mom's house with the boys close behind me, to let mom know they are here. Mom was visiting with guests who were staying at her house. When I walked back into the home, and had to move 3 bicycles out of the way so the boys and their mom could come in. These bikes were not there when I walked out, but this did not seem unusual. then later, the dream shifted... At the shift, my sister, mom and I were walking around the upstairs of her house (again not a home that I recognize). We walked into one bedroom and found some people that were filming a game show that involved well known actors/actresses. John Travolta was there with headphones on, so he could not hear the answers to the questions given. His 'partner' in the game was regular person, someone who was not famous was being given the questions. After the questions were given and while John Travolta still had his headphones on, they brought in the opposing team in the contest. One was a very famous attractive African American woman, whom I recognize but who's name I don't recall and her female partner. We left as they were about to begin the game show. We walked outside were we saw some friends. They had little piggies with them. We leaned over the ledge and ask them about the piggies. Mom and my sister went down to check them out. All of a sudden, I have my baby daughter with me, she looks to be about 18 months old. I try to take her down to see the piggies, but she refuses when she sees the mud. So, I yell down to Mom and sister telling them this. The man who brought the piggies picks up the smallest one and brought it up to show to my young daughter. Then, mom, sister, baby and I and go back into the mom's house. Cash my daughters real life dog who is deceased now came to greet us. My baby daughter is gone from the dream and Cash the dog is so tired. We help him up onto a bed to go to sleep then we turn out the light and walk away. All of a sudden, I am sitting somewhere on some porch steps or on a chair, and it's still dark outside. I'm holding a frog on my lap in open hands allowing the frog to jump away. The frog did just that, it jumped right out of my hands, it's long back legs pointing back at me as it went.

I had a dream last night that 3 African male lions entered the room where I was and just quietly sat down and didn't move....like pussycats...watching. It startled me at first, so I jumped up to run but then I realized they weren't even trying to chase me....they just sat there. I asked someone what was wrong with them, had their teeth been removed but the answer was no so I just sat there, in the room and watched them....a lil frightened at their size but then a peace came over me like they were not going to harm me. Then I woke up. About a year ago I dreamed 3 African male lions chased me till I hopped a fence and escaped them. I watched them prowl back and forth on the other side of the fence, disappointed I got away.

I dreamt it was one o' clock and I had to get to someone by 1:30. I started off in a bad part of a city where there were muggers and thugs whom I had to run from in heels. Somehow I instantly ended up in a jungle being chased by actual Africans. I ran through the jungle and jumped in a large body of water and swam to a cliff I had to climb. Afterwards I ended up walking along a very long bridge over the water until the Africans found me again. Afterwards I fought a few but there were too many I had to run, they also out ran me so in a moment of fear I panicked and back flipped of the bridge and into the water where I swam away still as determined if not more to get to him by 1:30. I missed him.

There John Travolta was with a set of headphones on his head, so he could not hear the answers his 'partner'--some other regular person was giving to the questions. Then, when that was done, while John still wearing the headphones, they brought in the other contestants, one was a very attractive African American woman, whom was the star (I didn't recognize her) and the another woman who was part of this duo, to begin their part of the game show. We left and walked outside and found some friends there with little piggies.

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