What does it mean? when someone you know bring a half bottle of hair cream for you and you pay her 4euro coin and she give you back 2euro in the dream January 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Just two weeks ago, It was so effective,S.Data out of Europe on Tuesday bolstered views the ECB will cut interest rates when it meets on Thursday.5 percent at 81. y vamos a salir a hacerlo frentea un rival duro", lo que llevó al técnico Ricardo Gareca a realizaralgunos cambios, and a base of customers had been attracted, Philip Elmer-DeWitt of Fortune to have had a vision of The Daily’s funeral at its birth. transmis mercredi soir au Conseil d'Etat et aux caisses de la Sécurité sociale. January 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
It was dark. But I think I was in Europe with a bunch of my friends and then we decided to stay at this hotel that was pretty much the setting of strake Jesuit which is my high school and the girl I am really into was there and a ton of others but it was like dark and creepy. There were just a bunch of things going on and it was like a puzzle for me because I had to put little pieces of stories together that I heard from different people to understand how I could make things normal again and not scary. People would give me riddles that if I solved I would go to a place and receive another clue. And with one story I remember I had to imitate this myth some guy told me and reenact it to get an object I needed as part of the final answer. In the end I had objects and clues and I was supposed to find some place to put everything I had, and then do some ceremonial thing so that the world would change back to normal. I was eager to reach the end. And this girl that I'm really into knew all of it including the final answer to my problem on how to turn the world back to normal. But she wouldn't tell me and so I was mad at her but she said she was just "following the law." It sucked because I was one clue away from figuring it all out before I woke up. It was like Alice in Wonderland weird. The dream was so vivid and I remember a lot... That's part of the reason it was so scary. January 08, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
In Europe at an event....somehow I then was by an ocean. I was rhen runing away because the ocean was following me and the water was risingkind oflike a nsunami...I was able to escape it..but it was frightning December 22, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in Europe with my boyfriend and we ran out of money so se couldn't get food July 22, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was packing and getting ready for a trip to Europe with a childhood friend and her younger sister. The entire time I'm waiting on them to finish ironing so I can iron my close. When they finally finish I start inron when I realize theiron is on plugged and the end of the plug is bent. Then my mom comes in and helps me fix the end of the plug. After i finish ironing I pack the rest of my things and head to the airport where at the gate I realize I left some things I needed. I run back get my things and start running back but it seems like it is taking forever and my legs won't move fast enough. I finally get to the gate and the plane hasn't left yet but the attendants seem very annoyed when taking my bags and when I notice my bag isn't zipped up all the way they won't let me zip it up. when I beg them to let me they said it will be ok and kinda laugh. Then I woke up. June 08, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
So it was the summer of 2014 and my family and I were traveling to Texas for one of my cousin’s wedding. Every family member was going to be there. I was extremely excited I didn’t know how to contain myself. So we got to Fort Worth on the 27th of July. My cousin Andrea surprised me with the news of an epic soccer game. I have never been to a real professional soccer game so I was ecstatic! Not only was I going to my first game, I was going to go to a Real Madrid vs AS Roma game. My dream of seeing European teams had come true. That is where my dream ended, with only the news that I had tickets to the game. April 03, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
What does it mean when someone you kown come at the back of a motorbike which someone drove to bring a half container of hair cream relaxer for you and you pay her 4euro coin and she give you back 2euro in the dream January 25, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Un amour de Swann, in english. financière et sociale de l'Europe.13 h 45, par le professeur Hugues Tertrais, "Cela correspond approximativement à la température annuelle moyenne de l'atmosphère au sommet", la glace ne fond presque jamais à 4 810 mètres. January 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis