I was in the hallway of my high school. The walls were blue and yellow. A funky bookshelf was against the wall. I was calmly talking to Savion. As the dream progressed I began to sob hysterically. I was crying and pleasing for him not to leave me, to which he responded with an air of indifference. He walked away, down the stairs. I was on my knees, crying, when Johnnie came and kneeled fown next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and tenderly placed a hand on my shoulder. After a short while he started running it throygh my hair. He told me in hushed whispers about how he would never leave me. He said, quieter than everything else, so i wasn't sure i heard him right, that he loves me. That he had loved me for a ling time. I looked up at him, and asked, in a quiet voice, "do you really?" He nodded with a small smile and reached over to hold my hand, which was now resting on my lap
I was in the hallway of my high school. The walls were blue and yellow. A funky bookshelf was against the wall. I was calmly talking to Savion. As the dream progressed I began to sob hysterically. I was crying and pleasing for him not to leave me, to which he responded with an air of indifference. He walked away, down the stairs. I was on my knees, crying, when Johnnie came and kneeled fown next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and tenderly placed a hand on my shoulder. After a short while he started running it throygh my hair. He told me in hushed whispers about how he would never leave me. He said, quieter than everything else, so i wasn't sure i heard him right, that he loves me.
Smoked glass walls
The walls in everyone's office were changed to smoked glass with black lines decorating them
I was helping a man scale a wall
Going to a cemitery encounter a big cement wall have roses but not able to deposit them in small vase in the wall where body was in a droor
I found a black and red tarantula but I woundnt pick it up so I built an extensive huge grey wall around it
Ancient ruins circular grasses stone broken pillars arrows pillars crossbow trip fall mud people castle walls gray foam ball shoot projectile green square archer disappear blurry Methos Highlander sword car
My ex came to my house n was holding my earrings and counting on a wall then disappeared along with others out windows and my house was destroyed and robbed
I found a small black and red tarantula and I wouldn't pick it up so I built a massive grey wall made of crudeish stone