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Dreams fall

Found 4,210 dreams containing fall - Page 40

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

My girlfriend hears a noise in the closet in the spare bedroom. I go to investigate. Before i open the door i hear a loud noise of multiple items falling to the ground. I then decide to bang on the door to the bedroom loudly with my hand. The door smashes and splinters away with tremendous force from the force on the other side of the door. I run for my life before i can see what it is into the other room. I see that the window is smashed out in this room. I then panic and jump out the window. At this point i wake up from the dream and i'm in my bed and i can see Morgan next to me out of the corner of my eye on Skype. I try to talk to her and move my head and i can't. I start yelling i can't move over and over and over. Finally i'm able to get up but Morgan said she had no recollection of me yelling I cant move.

I broke my leg doing something. And I was in bed at my grandparents house. And my mom left the room. And then John came in. And he said we need to stretch your leg. And he took my broken leg. And started moving towards me. And he was leaning in with it. Like he was about to kiss me. His eyes start to shut. And I was going along with it. And then my mom came in. And he jumped away from me. And then I don't remember what happens next. But then I was talking to you about how john almost kissed me. Then I was back at my grandparents house. And you and Thiany were staying in the room with me. And Elizabeth was right across from us. Then I fell asleep. I woke up. And I told you it was time to get up. And you said that you didn't fall asleep until 5 am. Then we were all eating in my grandparents house. Everyone from the swim team. Well I am not sure about everyone. But john was at the opposite side of the table. And Thiany was talking to Alexandre. And then john throws a penny. And it lands by me. He said its for Cara. I was mortified. And then I got up. And i was in a onesie. And I can't remember who pushed me over to john. And I was like no. And I fell right behind a nightstand. And John didn't see me. And I was hiding. Until someone saw me. And I said I got stuck. And I got out. And everyone was looking at me. I started crying and I ran upstairs back to my room and fell asleep. Then I woke up. And you came in. And said you really hurt john. I know he was flirting with you. And you made me feel guilty. So I ran downstairs. And I saw him talking to his mom by the door. I screamed his name. And he didn't hear me. Then I lost him. I ran outside. And I started running screaming his name. And in front of the house was a beach. I was struggling to run in my dream. And I said to Karine it's so hard to run in the sand. And I when I finally got to him. He was in his bathing suit. Not a speedo his normal bathing suit. He had abs and everything. I said john I need to tell you something. Then this really gorgeous blonde girl comes over and he said Cara this is my ex girlfriend . I said john I like you. And he said never mind. And pushed his ex away. And I thought to myself I need to kiss him before I wake up. I never kiss anyone in my dreams. And I turned his head towards me. And kissed him. It was a very short chaste kiss. And then I was stunned. Then I woke up in the dream and said holy shit and fell out of the bed.

In my dream I was climbing a very tall and rocky mountain, the next thing I knew I was laying on the ledge of the mountain with a broken leg. A rescue helicopter had flown up the mountain to get me, the helicopter had nowhere else to land but over the top of me. After it had landed and the rescue people jumped out to help me I slid head first off the mountain to my death. I could see everything as I was falling, I could see the rescue workers try to grab me as I was falling over the ledge, I could even see myself crashing head first into the rock that killed me. I could see my lifeless body spread across the rock.I woke up in a panic

Ok so Ive always have had vivid dreams, but this one is to much I need help so it started about a month ago. I dream I'm in the most perfect place in the world every one cares about me and treats me nice like I am important i had a house and a father figure and every thing and the most beautyfull girlfriend ever but every one has a face but no facial features or anything like eyes kinda like a blank so i live on my one in a nice house with a yard and flowers like a garden i don't remember much of what i did but i know i was happy so i go with the dream, it ends and i wake up for the next few days same dream but it advances to where i meet this girls parents (i don't know her name i just cant remember) and we have a blast but then when i wake up i feel happy and sad at the same time kinda torn so a while passes still advancing and i feel myself wanting to sleep more and more and every time i end up seeing her and i even long for her i even fall asleep in school and see her so its about 2/11/17 and I'm talking to her and say i love her and she feels the same way we kiss in my dream but when i wake up i feel extreamly happy and a weird feeling so now right before i fall asleep i actually subconsciously hug a pillow and kiss it and ask to visit her (i know that sounds weird but bare with me) so i heard a voice say always and i fall asleep and visit her but today 2/15/17 at around 10 pm i do the rutine but this time I'm not asleep I'm half asleep and half awake so i see her and her beautyfull black hair and she faces me and says she loves me but she has to go and she will return in 8 years at the heart of japan or the golden heart of japan and meet me at a skyscraper or atleast a large building with a triangular pyramid on another one kinda like the sims symbol but anyways so she says she will meet me there in 8 years and to do what i want to do and follow my dreams and to change my name to alex or alexander and she will be there waiting and so i asked how will i find her and she says i will know when i see her and then i ask for one last kiss and she says always and we kissed and then i woke up to find me gripping the pillow crying and sad. what does this mean is it someone who is connected to me some how is it a sign or a vision or is it a promise.

In my dream my mom complained of hearing creepy sounds at 5:00 every morning from my brothers alarm clock and when she asked him about he said he didn't know how to make it stop. So I woke up early so I could hear it and It sounded like we were picking up someones walkie talkie signal. It started out as static then a baby giggling, that lasted for like 30 seconds then it went back to static. after the static was over you her crashing and falling and finally one loud crash and a woman scream then back to static. Then static seemed to go on really long, but then it pick up a low buzzing sounding voice, It was definitely a man. He was speaking very fast and it wasn't English, it sounded German to me. He abruptly stopped talking and it was silent, no static or anything. That was the end of the sounds that played every morning at 5:00 on the dot. So later that day I decided to search the web, to see if I could find anything similar and I came across a video. I clicked on it and it started put as static then a distorted video of a giggling baby began to play then it went back to static, then an old style cartoon began to play all of this was in black and white by the way anyway this woman in the was being push down and into things by other people and she slammed into a trash can of sorts and screamed, through out this whole cartoon segment there was text across the top which I assume was German writing but I'm not for sure. Her scream was cut off by more static, a long period of static. Then the screen went completely black and the deep German speaking began, he was speaking just as fast and after awhile he stopped abruptly and the screen stayed black and one word popped up in the center of the blackness I believe was a German word but I can't remember what it said or what the character in it looked like. But after the end of the video I woke up and the creepy voice has been stuck in my head all day.

Based in roman times. Sultan rydell went to war to obtain a country. He won and was awarded with a powerful princess, franchesca. He drains her powers and makes her helpless and turns her into a sex slave to keep royal bloodlines. Rydell takes her powers and becomes the most powerful man alive. The royal males that franchesca bears are turned into peasant slave drivers and the royal females are turned into castle keepers. Franchesca is not allowed personal relations. Franchesca fell in love with a peasant named jacob and she bore a child. Master rydell found out and had the child murdered. Her punishment was forced marriage to two royals. She is kept under watch all day every day. Rydells ally is joeseph, franchescas brother. Franchesca despises her brother because he runs his country much like rydell does. He came to visit one day and his country got invaded by queen dahlia from another country. Queen dahlia wants good, and wants franchesca freed from her bonds of slavery so she can have her country back. Dahlia has a limited army, but invades joesephs country. Rydell finds out and builds an army to capture her. He captures her and tortures her or makes her watch torture. Franchesca begs for mercy and pardon but everytime she does she gets beaten into obedience for not acting like a slave should. Prince caspian is dahlias son, he was cast off to gain more powers to try to defeat rydell but no one has heard back from him. Franchesca is defeated and can only watch her country fall to ruins against a most powerful dictator that she is forced to worship. If she runs someone near to her will get tortured while she watches in dispair and helplessness

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