I'm standing on a wall trying not to fall into shark infested waters with a stolen book
I was putting up a huge concrete wall
In this dream, I was driving a race car around a track and was moving extremely fast. Then, all of a sudden, I began to enter the corner going over 180 MPH and could not turn fast enough. That is when I and the vehicle struck the wall, and the dream was over.
I was at this lacrosse clinic for a college that I really love. It was very weird, we were all in this indoor turf field that had a clear wall where all these coaches were watching every move thatI made and the other girls at the clinic made. I didn't know what they were thinking but it made me very nervous. I remember jumping off of a ball with my lacrosse stick in my hand it was very strange. The clinic is coming up in a week too.
A ghost is spraying me with thousands of gallons of water up a wall
I dream of sitting yet not on furniture the room has no walls I hear a voice and I know I must listen to the voice it sounds like someone I knew who has past over to the other side. the voice tells me to trust all will be well I know there is more yet I can't remember what was all said
Dreamed of my papa who has past away and my little brother and sister they were looking in a hole on the wall and there was a red fly but was a dragonfly my papa turn into an alien his arms and body changed
Dreams of my girlfriend crying behind a glass wall
Spouse dreams that he swallowed his wedding ring and significant other tried to attack him with a little bat.
I see in my dream that a cockroach is moving around the wall of my bedroom and there was a book covered by black page something was written on that by golden words one child was playing around the book suddenly cockroach came on a page of a book that child closed that book to kill cockroach but cockroach tried to came out side