Like i remember the whole trip thing was like through a bunch of rooms, and i was with a ton of people and the group was getting smaller and smaller each times, splitting up or being weeded out. But i remember going into a room it HUGE tables like, with everything you've ever owned in your life, huge tables filled with piles and piles of things. And at the end of the room were tons of doors, GIANT crystal doors, regular doors, gold, every shape ans size. And i remember walking past my parents at their table watching them madly grab for things, taking clothes and food and various things like phones and books. And i remember walking past them, and straight over to the doors because i just didn't WANT anything from mine. I remember looking at the doors and knowing that i had to pick one, and one door lead to heaven and the others were dead ends. And i looked at all of them and watched as my parents ran past to this huge crystal door, opened it, and it fell over and desolved, and they kept opening these huge ornate doors and the doors would desolve away or colapse. And i remember walking up to this itty bitty door, the size of a gym locker, opening it, and seeing this TIGHT as hell tunnel through jagged rocks and it was dark and very steep and barely enough room to fit, and i just, climbed in, squeezed myself in and started climbing. And i remember seeing feet, like legs in front of me, and i remember my parents trying to follow me through but they had too much stuff and they just wouldn't let it go, and i kept climbing even with them yelling at me asking me how i managed to fit. And i just kept goign and going and going until i got up this CRAZY bright gold area with white haze and bright light and like escaltors, and people were coming out of everywhere and getting on them going up, and soem were going faster and i got on one, and it wasn't fast but it wasn't slow and i remember just looking around kinda amazed and in awe watching people pass and just taking things in and i remember getting to the top, but for the life of me i can't remember what was there..... May 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I find Myself walking up My ( deceased) Grandmothers driveways to see a big rig truck, solid black with a broken headlight, and a man laying in a puddle of murky water, (i know whats going to happen and i cant do anything about it.) I run up to the man thinking he's hurt, i hear the murmuring of him but he's heavier then anything i've ever lifted and i cant roll him over, and i cant see his face, all i see is a black shirt and brown hair, and his leg's disappear when i look for them. i try and roll him over and then a man will always come from behind me scream " Don't touch it! dont touch it!" and he'll yank my hand and make me run. i always turn around and pull against the man to try and help the other man. ( i cant tell what the man looks like again, all i see is a blue shirt and brown hair on the second man and his hand is cold. very very cold. and covered in grease.) before i know it the other man has disappeared and we are running threw my grandmas hay field its all dead and dried up. i always hear the trucker closing in his truck and feel like collapsing.. and everytime the guy that was leading me away vanishes and i end up falling and unable to move. next thing i know is the man is getting out of the truck ( and he always has something with him, a bar, a wrench, a rock, a bat,) i cant really see him but i see his black boots. stomping ...and then.. he kills me.. .. May 28, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that we were a family of rabbits who lived in the rock wall May 27, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
On the first part of the journey, I was looking at all the life. There were plants and birds. and rocks and things, There was sand and hills and rings. The first thing I met, was a fly with a buzz, And the sky, with no clouds. The heat was hot, and the ground was dry, But the air was full of sound. May 24, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had to get across a huge gap that led to rocky waters. I failed the jump the first time but I didn't know about the gap at that point. Every time I hit the water, it was like a restart. A check point like in a video game. There was train tracks but I couldn't take them because each time I walked passed there, Nazis were on the tracks. Modern day Nazis. I didn't see a flag or anything but I just knew so I would jump in the water to end up on the other side. One time, I jumped and they found me but because they thought I was dead, they let me go and I restarted on ground again. the second time, I jumped, was knocked unconscious and when I woke up, the Nazis were around me. I couldn't hold my breath any more and I moved. They took me hostage, my parents, were white although I'm African American to the fullest. The Nazis had me on a public city bus and after deciding it wasn't safe to let me go, I was shot in the head followed by a rain of gunfire from machine guns. Then I was outside myself, when the head flew up, on the body that was initially me, it was a random, heavy set Caucasian man. It zoomed out and it ended up being a television show but I was still saying that I was shot when I just finished seeing this man in my place. May 23, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was driving a jeep to my ex boyfriend s work and the clutch got stuck and I was jumping down rocks in the jeep May 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was on top of very height towering rocks that were crumbling away and unstable and I had to get up them May 26, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis