Understand My Dreams

Dreams lap

Hi. My dream was really brief. I was at a resort with family. There was fire drill. Whilst waiting for my mom & aunt to come down, decided to take some pictures of the beautiful scenery. I heard splashing & roaring coming from the water but initially ignored it. Then I saw a large tiger calmly swimming around, & at one point even strolled along the beach. Next 'scene', I was just still on the sand along the shore with a cushion on my lap. Suddenly I hear yelling & look up to see a local guy running towards me, & closing in on him running like a mad man was my lover. I then noticed the tiger swimming parallel to my lover & yelled at him to stay away. Next thing I knew the tiger was lunging at me but just in the nick of time my lover grabbed the tiger, joined a few seconds later by the local guy. I then proceeded to help by grabbing the tiger by the scuff and we wrestled it to the ground. Dream ended there. Could you help me interpret pls? Thanks

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