Sitting on a porch with friends one took a dollar from my purse went for a walk came back money was stolen from my purse girl crying shows me a car that took money September 04, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I am stood in a empty swimming pool looking for something in the water. I feel very alone and wake up sad and crying. Why? August 30, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was working at a daycare, but not my usual one, one I was filling in for. It was almost in a summer camp type setting. I was filling in for different lunch breaks, nothing particularly memorable going on. I was walking across the dirt parking lot after just talking with boss and a car was slowly approaching from the driveway entrance. There was a Muslim lady driving a dark brown Sudan, she also worked at the center. She looked to the right before entering the parking lot. I saw a child walking /running freely as if it were a summer camp and kids were roaming free run from somewhere and was to the left of the car. I put my arm up to point at the girl and yell at both to be careful, make sure they were aware of each other , but I could get my breath out in time and lady turned left running over the child. It was almost as if she got sucked under. I ran over, people had gathered , the Muslim/nikab wearing women was asking what to do, like back up and expose child or leave the car on top. I wasn't able to give an opinion before the lady backed the car up. I ran closer to the child and others did too. I wanted to help I yelled out to call 911 but they reached her before me and I said I'd call 911 and told them to help her.( I wanted to take charge, but backed down ) I run and I can't remember what I used to dial but when I'd dialled 911the numbers kept changing after I'd raise the device to my ear. Wasn't able to. I tried my cell and a computer. Eventually so frustrated I decided to run to a business of sorts where a male acquaintance was. He was an ex firefighter . As I ran over the driveway turned to stairs and the child laid motionless on the steps a couple sand toys near by. I asked an adult passerbyer why I they moved her body. They didn't know. No one was helping her but my mission was 911 so it didn't occur to me. Ran to this guys house..was really scared and anxious trying to explain I needed to call 911. He was helping someone when I got there I waited 2-3 seconds then interrupted , at first he got angry as if I was being rude, then was annoyed I didn't come in screaming a instead of waiting 2-3seconds to interrupt . He dials 911 for me and hands me the phone, I explain what happen and hang up. I feel emotionally exhausted at this point break down crying and keep going over images for this kid being run over. Venting to this ex- fireman. I do at this point realize that no one was with her on the steps and think I should have stayed to help and got someone else to call 911. I stay a little while ranting and crying while the man tries to consol me... As I head back to the daycare center I wonder if I should talke the Ativan from my purse. I worried I look too relaxed if I do and people will think I'm cold, but if I don't, I am having a hard time managing myself right now. I didn't make a decision, but I made it back to work and woke up. August 26, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Had a dream last night that I got an abortion.I am not pregnant and my tubes are tied.I never had an abortion or went with anyone when they my dream I remember the nurse,I remember the room,I remember the process.I remember the noises and the lights.I remember crying for my baby.I remember afterwards,the cramping the bleeding.everything was so real.when I woke up my hands were both clenched so tightly that I could barely move my fingers August 23, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was hiding with my head down and my arms around my two little sisters. We were screaming and crying. In the front of the car was my mother driving. she was wild and her hair was flying through the air. We were driving fast and on the roads and through the air and in the mountains and upside down and the wind was blowing and I knew we were going to die. I was trying to save my sisters. I didn't have he energy to get in the front seat and tackle my mother. I just knew we were going to die and were screaming about it. she was happy and drunk and yelling and showed no fear and was just such a bitch.. she stoopped and walked away while I remained forever scarred.. forever August 21, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
i was standin in a garden next to a seal, a beautiful seal with a coat so shimmery and he had bright healthy eyes. it was obvious this seal was in absolute glowing health. the sun shone on its back and it had the most rapturous sparkling eyes full of life and happiness. i noticed i had a bag in my hand, and i thought it might have something in for the seal as surely a creature like that deserved a treat of sorts. when i reached in the bag, a million maggots swarmed out and fell onto the back of the seal devouring its beautiful glossy skin. the maggots grew and some changed into bright and shiny ducks and floated off down a stream, and others scattered to flower beds and feasted upon them, leaving the once-beautiful flowers wilting and withered. I looked back at the seal and scooped away the remaining maggots to find the seal all eaten away and its lovely coat and skin was no longer shining, it was rooted to the spot, half eaten and would never move again. The expression in its eyes was what caught was one of pure sadness, pain, bewilderment and confusion.... a truly heartbreaking sight. i had to turn away in guilt, as i had let the maggots out the bag and onto it to begin with. i then turned towards the ducks who were swimming quite happily and rapidly away, oblivious to the pain they had initially caused. i turned back to the seal and said "dont worry, i'll look after you now". the seal smiled with gratitude. i never felt so much guilt and misery, as when i looked into the eyes of a once beautiful seal that i mistakenly had pretty much destroyed. i woke up crying. one of the most horrendous dreams i have ever had. August 19, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My son who passed away came to me in a dream. I was sitting on a couch when I heard a helicopter sound. Then something started spinning. The image became clearer and my husband yelled that's Jason. I ran and hugged him so tight. My son was crying. It looked like tears of joy. I kept saying are you okay and he kept nodding and hugging me. August 31, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis