Understand My Dreams

Dreams on the floor

I am a 47yr old female , happily married for 25yrs. I was had a hysterectamy when I was 27yrs old and have 2 boys.Last night I dreamt that I had a miscarraige without being pregnant,The fetus was lying on the floor and started growing into a disformed child .Everybody my sister and rest of my fam was very casual about it , I took a shower , my husband was looking after this growing thing took a shower and I gave him vicks instead of lotion and we went out afterward then the alarm clock woke me up.

What does my dream mean? So, I have this guy in my waking life that I am dating, but I always had a feeling that the fact that his ex girlfriend cheated on him and hurt him so bad (he almost married her) is the reason he hokds back some in our relationship. I have always had very detailed dreams, and when I remember them, they usually mean something, but I cannot for the life of me decipher this one. I fell alseep one night and dreamed that I was in a warehouse filled with food. All sorts of food, like anything you could think of, and for some reason I was on a quest for frozen strawberries. I finally found them. I was walking around the market with my boyfriend 's roomate (who is like my big brother) and I have no clue why. We were flying around on a segway, and then we ended up walking, all in this market. Throughout the whole dream, I heard a woman's voice speaking on a loud speaker all throughout the market, even though I couldnt make out who it was or what they were saying. His roomate and I ended up being chased around by these men in yellow hazmat suits. It suddenly became difficult for me to breathe, and I looked up at the ceiling and saw that there were ceiling fans on that were blowing out yellow tear gas. He was holding my hand, and we were running around the market trying to get away, and Iwas frightenend, and then I woke up. About a month later, I fell asleep and had a dream that I was in something that looked like an abandoned factory. it was dark and gloomy and it just felt like something was wrong. I was chasing my boyfriend around, and he ended up going up a flight of stairs, so I followed. I ended up in the barracks that we live in on the same floor as we live, and he ran into his room and shut the door in my face, and no matter how hard I knocked, he wouldn't let me in. So I went to the staircase to go outside, and I looked back down into the stairwell of the dark and gloomy factory, and I saw a yellow boot belonging to one of the men from the first dream. But this time I wasn't afriad of the men, I wanted to find out what they wanted, so I went down the stairs after him. I got to the bottom, and there was a bunch of them hanging on a railing, and I turned a corner, and I ended up back in the warehouse full of food, with the fans still going blowing tear gas. I heard the loudspeaker again, and this time it was a man's voice (I dont know who) and I could make out what he was saying. He said, "You idiots, are you sure that it's (my boyfriend 's ex's name)'s fault? What are you going to do with her?!" And then I realized, the men weren't after me... they were after my boyfriend 's ex, and it was her voice on the loud speaker. I kept running around the market and I eventually fouund where the loudspeaker was being projected from, it was a man I've never seen before with a microphone in a cage talkiing. I got on the floor and crawled under one of the tables of food that was directly next to it, I recall seeing some green peppers, limes, and red peppers and tomatoes. The men in the yellow suits finally caught my boyfriend 's ex, and I don't know how I knew because I didn't see it, I just did, and the minute they did, the fans turned off and the tear gas stopped blowing, and I could breathe again. I stood up, took my boyfriend 's hand, and we walked out of the warehouse into this bright light, and I woke up. I'm sorry if I sound like a crazy person, but what the HELL does this mean?! lol It's driving me nuts, so if youre good with dream interperetation, please help, thanks:)

We are what looks like John and my old house. John isn’t there. It’s dark, there is always spiritual activity here. I have grown accustomed to hearing and feeling it, but I don’t enjoy it. I feel threatened here, and often that the spirits are trying to kill me. Katie and I are sleeping together in an unfamiliar kitchen, on a table. Pulses of energy start to transcend from the walls towards the other side of the house. She is scared, so I hold her hand and tell her that I have done this before, that I know what this is, and that I will keep her safe. There is a dishwasher underneath us that keeps shutting off. I have to manually press buttons until it goes again. This feels important to me. Katie asks me often what is happening, and why. She tries to blame the wind. I keep looking up at these slitted windowless cut-throughs at the top of the wall. They appear to be letting air in, but I know that's not why the house underneath us is shaking. We hold on, and I help her get through it. Cut to my Mom’s house. We are talking about the ghosts. I throw eggs on the floor, and so does she. All of them break open, and some of them are spoiled as they hit the floor. She cleans them up, but there is always still residue. I try to help clean it up better. We are sitting at some sort of Pep Assembly. Top Gear (Britain) host starts talking, donating money to an organization. He donates a particular amount, and then does a double take, acting like he is going to give them more. Instead, he jests about giving the second amount to “Jesus Christ.” Nick, my sisters and I all snort at this, I seem to be filming the event. We can hear murmurs of people agreeing, when someone gets my attention. An old school teacher who was religious speaks up and asks if we should have ‘the talk.’ I look down and tell her no. She sits back, and my Mom appears, telling me that she wishes I would let “Jesus Christ” into my life. I coldly disagree with her. Cut to her house. We continue to have the argument, and she claims she wants me closer, and that ‘god’ will make me stay close to her. I disagree, but don’t mention anything about agreeing to stay close. I tell her that John’s mom has a way of making him stay close to her.

Two night I have dreamt of cats, first evening I was aquiring kittens in different colours, but the one that stands out was chocolate colour, they just wandered about on the floor. Last night I was talking to a statue under a table that turned into a real cat/dog like churchill? I was cuddling another cat but knew it was going to become ill and die, as I held it over my shoulder, so was contemplating getting another one quick to ease myself into the loss of it dying and leaving me alone, I was very emotional.

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