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Dreams number

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This next dream I was traveling with family and friends. It was as if we were on a cruise ship, but I'm not certain. I went up a few floors to an office area, so I could make xerox copies of something without having to pay for it. I was trying to be very discreet about this, and yet, I was making a lot of copies too. At one point, I recall peeking in to see what number had just printed, and it was at 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 then I looked away again It was during the day, people about and such. Yet, there I was standing at the desk making the copies. I remember the machine sort of had a problem, and the copies were getting all tangled up--and I was again discreetly trying to arrange them. They were not misprinted just popping out of the machine so fast and going every which way, rather then being neatly piled up on the sheet before it. I needed it in order, so, I was trying to fix them as they came out of the machine without drawing a lot of attention to myself. At one point, my father appeared to me, (he is deceased, but in the dream was not). He was just checking on me to see if all was okay. I assured him all was, and he left to go find my mother and sister. Then, a bit later, my friend ,(also deceased), also came in to see what I was doing. Apparently I was up there at the copier for awhile. I had apparently missed breakfast and this friend of mine brought some muffins to eat. At that point, the copying I had to do was done, and I was gathering it all together and putting it in some sort of manageable order so I could get out before being found out. However, I also recall sitting on top of this desk and reaching into the paper bag to get a muffin. there were muffins, and long italian breads and such inside here-so more hten muffins. I also recall telling my friend that I really shouldn't eat these, as I'm not suppose to, but handed her a muffin and I think I took one out for myself, all the while we were giggling. Another weird part of this dream is that while I felt like the copier was on a desk--when I was finished, it was actually an old dresser that I own, and it was inside one of the drawers. But, that was not 'odd' at all in this dream. It seemed perfectly natural to me and my friend. We were not really inside a room, but like in a large opening, with other doors (to offices?) all around it. People were coming and going, but not paying me much mind.

I was swimming with my friends at sea, in a sudden, my body changes from human to dolphin and water washes over, revealing fishes around me who had been turned from my friends. We swam together, and for a little while, everywhere and anything is an oasis of calm before a shadow fell. Out emerged a shoal of sharks, and as I fend off advances from the leader of the shoal and strategise my friends' moves and mine to sidestep and move around these predators, the number of predators seem to slightly increase. Some fishes had been turned from their fish bodies to bodies of sharks, and a little while later while I steadied and navigated a new way around this situation, I also observed some of these sharks turned to fishes, and more fishes are making their movement stealthly though successfully around sharks. Sharks had also been fighting and Shark numbers are dwindling. Fishes are growing and increasing in abundance, and the sea is filled with another batch of fishes again.

I was in London, where there are a number of glass buildings. They were very modern and beautiful. Some were where people lived and some were offices. On the top floor of these modern cube glass buildings, was invented or found something amazing. They filled it with water and somehow with new technology, it brought amazing cooling to the buildings. There was a whole series of these glass cubes with the water in the top floor portion, like a tank. I notice in one of the buildings they actually had fish in the tank! Somehow the fish did not die or overheat in the top! The sun would literally shine on it from above. It was an amazing invention. From the outside you could see in the glass and the tanks looked amazing! water suspended at the top.

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