Understand My Dreams

Dreams animals

A tall, thin man with long black hair and a long beard, dressed in skin tight velvets, red and green, and long stockings, like in the Elizabethan period, holding a long bow was walking along the edge of my property, trying to call out animals to shoot. I saw him from my bedroom window and shouted at him, 'No hunting.' He started skipping and jumping along the edge of the bush, and ducked into tree cover. I ran down the field, and into the bush after him, where I caught up with him and two men, one dressed as the lion from the Wizard of Oz, and one dressed up as a bear. We all continued on our way through the bush, chasing bouncing, jumping deer, and yaks, and saw little sprites or elves (fairies) running along watching us. Suddenly I was back in my home, which I recently moved out of because my abusive husband and I separated, and he still lives there. His name is John. I was trying to explain to him what happened, and he accused me of sleeping with the man with the long bow. (Bow and arrows). Then I woke up.

I was in a giant building, and it was kind of a mix between a school and a grocery store. I was around alot of people I knew, people who spent some of my summer with me. My ex boyfriend was there. Everyone's objective was to somehow tranquilize and capture exotic animals that lived throughout the entire building. I specifically remember seeing elephants, a venomous snake and fish. The snake was VERY large and bright green and the fish was pure white. Not a single different color on it. They were both in water which had a very thin bridge over it in which I had to cross several times. There was this girl I had never seen before there and she was really pretty. She was pregnant and announcing to all of us that she was having a baby. She kind of giggled and said "the father is _____(my ex boyfriend s name)" I immediately ran to the bathroom and went in the stall and cried. The weird thing is the stall doors were extremely short so , even though you couldn't see my body, you could see my crying face. So I decided to just leave and thats when everyone started catching the animals. At some point my dad( who I havent seen for over a year) showed up. I ran over to him greeting him. I wanted to leave the building and go home and stop catching the animals, but I wasn't allowed to.

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