I had a dream where in the beginning me and my mom were shopping at a store and she was looking at yarn and charms and we heard a man a few ales away shouting at a man and a woman. The mans shouting scared me but my mom seemed unaffected but alert in case of danger. after shopping we went to a hotel and we were on our way to the room we were going to stay in when we heard a man shouting again at someone. We stopped for a short time but we kept on moving to our room. When we got to the door to our room a skinny but fit man came out of his room and he looked like the man who was yelling in the store earlier. My mother opened the door and the man walked in between us and stopped in front of me. I tried to go around him and he kept blocking my way to the door. Then all of a sudden the man grabbed me and took me around the corner to a completely empty white room. I kept yelling and kept trying to make him let me go but he wouldn't let go. I yelled for my mom and thrashed and finally escaped his hold on me. I ran to the door of my hotel room and it was closed and my mother was no where in sight. I looked back and the man was right behind me so I kept running just to get away from him. I ran down several hallways and yelled for help but no one came to help me. when I looked back again he was bigger in more muscle but less agility. I ran from one wall and ran back knowing he couldn't keep up with my agility. The dream ends with me still running up and down the hallways away from the man.
My father recently passed away. I had a dream where I came home and he was sitting on the couch and my sister was there. I remember being angry and confused with her because I accused her with bringing him back to life. My dad was fully cognitive but still showed the same symptoms he had before his passing. There were some things I remember were different. He had a very short and rapid breath rate, he had uncontrollable bowel movements, and did not think he came back from the dead.
I'm not sure why or how I thought my sister brought him back, but I do think my dad was aware of the fact he came back. For example, in my dream my dad, sister, and I were in the kitchen when the garage door popped open because my mom came back home from work. My dad opened the door and said "I'm back".
I am strapped to this circle board and tied down to it. It spins and rotates around in all different directions. It flips over with me still attached and i'm looking down this really deep well where there is a crocodile jumping up to try and eat me. i keep rotating and get closer and closer and suddenly the ties holding me onto the board disappear and i fall into the mouth of the crocodile and i wake up.
I dreamt about being on another planet and seeing different form of aliens trying to destroy all human we had to prevent them from getting to earth but they were still able to board our huge ship and went to earth
I dreamed I was trapped/locked in a room, and a woman stranger wouldn't let us leave, and I remember having to use the bathroom. My sister and another stranger girl were sleeping beside me in bed, but the woman with the key was awake. I remember feeling not being any to fight her. I can't remember how, but I think I knocked her out and stabbed her leg to make sure she was dead; but there was only a little bit of blood. My sister and the other girl still didn't wake up. I remember being scared about what would happen when we were let out of the room, or when they woke up. In the dream, I remember saying, "I waited so long to do this." Then my mom unlocks the door to the room.
One day I suddenly enter with my family at a store like Shell but there's a McDonalds at one of the sides of the store (back side most likely) and once we have our order and food we go behind McDonalds in one of the back doors of the store to only find another little rectangle room . My family sits down and I ask my parents if I can get some ice cream ,since there is an ice cream dispenser only of vanilla with fudge (optional ) but I don't put the fudge there , my parents say yes and I happily skip to the ice cream dispenser and get some icecream. Soon enough this girl( about 9-10) and a boy(12-13) my age start talking talking to me , for some reason in this dream I know them but in real life I haven't really known them or ever seen them (or so I think).once we start talking for a while I suddenly forget about my family and go to a weird place behind the room which is more like a dark colored room but the games make it sort of bright;arcade and enter it with the boy and girl. We start having fun but we soon seperate only for me to suddenly go to the backyard which has a big tree which I can climb and weirdly enough my storage house which is bigger . I go straight for the backyard to only find my friends and some other ppl and some adults in which some I know . My friends from last year I see at first but then I find my new friends from this year and hang out with them and mainly hang out with my friend who is my best friend and start being competetive with each other(like always in real life), but at a sort of looking park with not so many trees but still raining a lil, soon after my sister comes looking after me while I'm talking laying on a tree ,right next to my storage room ,with my friend and I tell my sister a few more minutes but she say no, in some 5-7 minutes my mom and sister come and tell me that it's time to leave so I say goodbye to my friend , as soon as I get into that room I go into it but to not find the arcade and just the room behind the McDonalds as if we just skipped it , after that I wake up
Sidenote: I've been having this dreams for years now and the same dream happens to me but the only difference is that each year whatever age I am and all the people in my dream age as well as in real life.
I was in a asylum and I had a shock collar on. While I was in their two girls from my school come in and start shooting up the place and I end up running out to go get help, all while they are still shooting up the place. I end up getting help and I go outside to walk around. Suddenly I see those girls again and they are running towards me, in which I start to run away.
I had a really long dream about escaping from a lot of people who actually wants to kill or hurt me and my companions. In the dream, wherever I go, it seems like everyone has this bad motive and is the companion of the bad people. I've witness a lot of death in my dream, but I seem to escape somehow and then wherever I go, there are just bad things that happen. I escape through several transportation like boat, train, and car. In the dream, I also was trapped in the train, expecting that I can escape through it, but it turns out that it is a trap. Then there are a lot of bad people who are just randomly killing everyone on the train, and I actually felt like I was shot too but I'm still alive and managed to escape with some people. Also, there is a part of the dream, that I managed to escape through a car, but I was suspecting it is trap again like the driver could possibly be one of the bad guys too.
Walking with father in a field surrounded by pine trees. A grey wolf and a red wolf come out of the trees and attack me. The red wolf bites onto my arm so I push into it to knock it over and then lay on it till it lets go. The wolves circle around me and then run back into the trees
We were outside of a party/concert and a police officer said "I need some help over here" then the police officers started running and they ran through fire and eventually we saw that there were dozens of dogs stuck in a tree. There was some sort of smoke or gas, because all the police officers became high and didn't know how to get the dogs down, so the people from the party started helping, and we all became high too. Once all the dogs were safe, we went back to the party. I was still a little bit high, but I went back. Since everybody was high, everybody was out of it. But I felt like I was a little bit in control, but not very much. I felt like I could handle it though.