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Dreams path

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I am in a competition where we must kill each other and one will win. me and a few friends hold our breaths underwater and swim away, faking the judges so that we can escape the game and live. a friend's dad picks us up in a car and drives far away to safety. In the meantime, the judges from american idol are hunting us down, and they find one of my friends and stab her in the back with a knife, causing her to cry out and die a painful death. i am walking down a familiar path. i know where i am going, but i can't see. i have to trust my inhibitions to know that i am making the right turns.

The setting of this dream took place at four-year University in the student gift shop. Teachers and students were nonchalantly conversing in the shop, like they would on an average day. Mr. Roopchand happened to be one of the teachers conversing in the shop, amongst other teachers. The place where the teachers were discussing “teacher things” was by the clothing rack on a blue polka-doted carpet. All of a sudden, thin, thorn-covered vines began slithering across the carpet toward the teachers. The teachers remained unaware of the vines, and continued their conversations. The vines made its way to the oblivious teachers and crept up their bodies until it reached their thick necks. It wrapped itself, repeatedly around each teacher’s neck that was standing on the carpet, and began to strangle them. The teachers had no chance. Before they could even begin to fathom what was happening, they took their last breath. Although they did not fall to the ground after being strangled to death, as most would expect, they stood in place, as if they were statues. As I stood on the tile floor in utter and complete disbelief, I noticed a correlation between the teachers who were talking on the carpet, and the students who were conversing on the tile floor across the room. I came to a random conclusion that speaking while on the carpet causes vines to appear and strangle the person committing the innocent act. I have absolutely no idea where my conclusion stemmed from. I rushed over to the students to warn them about the absurd and horrific event that just occurred. I told them word for word what happened to the unfortunate teachers, and begged them not to speak while on any type of carpet (good thing only half of the store was covered in carpet, and the rest in tile). The students walked out in oblivion and silence; even though they were stepping on tile. They took no risk. As the students and I walked out of the gift shop, a female student completely disregarded my warning and held a conversation while sitting on the grass under a shaded oak tree, cackling away. I whispered under my breath. "I hope she get's choked by a vine", unexpectedly, a vine appeared, the same thorn-covered vine that strangled the unaware teachers. It wrapped around the cackling student's neck, as it did the teachers prior, and strangled her as she attempted to grasp the last breath of air she would ever take. I grew a strong sense of remorse and sorrow for the unfortunate student whom had no sense of obedience when given instructions. There was an unusual feeling in my stomach. I do not remember stating that one could not speak while on the grass. I shook my head in confusion and mumbled to myself "I thought it was just carpet." As those exact words escaped from my mouth, I slipped off of the sidewalk into the grass for a split second, then regained my proper place back onto the concreted path. As I proceeded to stroll down the sidewalk, I quickly became aware of the thorn-covered veins that attempted to slither up my left leg, up towards my neck region. It tangled itself around my neck and began to squeeze tightly. In a panic, I aggressively attempted to remove the vines from my neck to spare my life. Shockingly, the vines detached itself from my neck with ease. I was is in a state of absolute oblivion. All they had to do was rip them off with their bare hands? I refused to believe that it was that easy. I sprinted home to clear my mind and figure out this situation. I ran into my backyard, only to find that my mother and brother were in the process of removing all of the grass in our back yard, leaving only dirt. "News must travel fast" I stated jokingly. I asked why they had done such and extreme, but clever, deed. They responded, "Not taking any chances." We laughed, and Kristina came outside in the backyard with us to join the conversation. As Kristina was talking, she slipped in a small patch of grass that my mother and brother forgot to remove; Just as I had did earlier that day. Again the vines appeared to collect their next victim. They placed themselves around Kristina's neck and began to strangle her. I screamed in fear " Nina, rip them off with your hands. Hurry up!" She followed my instructions, and frantically tugged at the vines; but they were not releasing her neck. I blurted that she should try getting off of the grass and run on the concrete to see if the vines would remove themselves from her throat. She ran like a maniac down the street, trying her best to remove the stubborn vines. As Kristina ran down the street, a black truck that I was familiar with drove slowly passed my house. In the truck was Mrs. Lisa, a neighbor of mine whom I gave the title of my "second mom", who also passed away last year November. She glanced at me, and then drove off.

It is dark and wet. I am in a hallway lined with stone and there are torches lighting the path in front of me. If I turn around it is pitch black so I decide to go forward. As I walk through the hallway it seems as if nothing changes except for the occasional turn. Then I have to make a decision, do I go left or do I go right. I pick one and keep on going. I start to get scared as the hallway gets darker and darker as I go along but there is always a light at the end. After some time I realize I am in a maze. I start to panic because I don’t think I will ever get out. I start running and as I do I awake.

A murderer escaped from prison and we had to go to the area where she had gotten away. it was raining and storming badly. me and my dad went to the area and did what we needed to do, including purchasing a plastic tuba. Then we returned home and i went to bed. the storm woke me up. i turned on the light being revaled to anyone outside and went to close my window. it was stuck i couldn't close it quickly then, a flash of lightning revealed a pale women with messy hair who said "why dont you just leave that window open for me". It was the killer who could see me. I was standing vunurable and petrified until the lights went out and i went to go wake up my sister and parents. they came and were sympathetic and ready to take action. i then went into the basement so i could be more safe. Then i saw the pale women walk up the stairs holding playing cards heading toward my room where my family was. The fear woke me up.

I dreamt that I have traveled to my grandparent’s home in India. While I am there I sit around in the warm sun and somehow manage to hold a conversation with the trees planted in their huge garden. As I am talking with these trees my grandfather who died before I was born comes down the pathway and just sits with me. Curious yet frightened I sit there quietly watching as the scene changes from my grandparent’s backyard to the beach. As I sit there the ocean waves casually turn into a high tide and before I know it I am underwater. I look around and start to swim without much effort or the need for breath. I swim around with fishes and don’t notice that my grandfather is no longer with me. I wake up as I surface.

Went to be at 12:32. riding bicycle down a hill. cool wind against my face. wearing white t-shirt that had three red arrows pointing up, left, and right. never reached the bottom of hill. i began pedaling harder trying to ride through a rocky dirt path. i couldn't move my legs any longer. i then realized the wheels were made of cookies. the cookies started to crumble as i slowed down. i jumped off the bike and it melted into the ground and the cookies were gone. i began to walk but i only looked at my feet. i wasn't wearing any shoes. the ground was dark green with light spots. i lifted my head and saw the light purple sky with orange circles. the ground started to move beneath me so i began to crawl. i never looked up until i had this strange feeling i was being watched. when i looked up there was a dinosaur staring at me. it didn't acknowledge my presence. i began to move my mouth as if talking, but no words came out. then i woke up

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