I was driving down the street and I saw my brother and father outside of my dad's old house doing something in a tool shed. I pulled over and we went in the house which my brother now lived in. the house was being remodeled. Except for a couch in the family room there was nothing in the house in any room it was all under construction. It was covered in sawdust and Sheetrock dust, as was the couch. There was no kitchen there was red and gold colored tile on the floor. My uncle aunt and a couple of my cousins and a guy who i don't know myself and my youngest daughter, who is disabled. my brother was taking us around the house and explaining what work was being done. My father was playing with my daughter, then I remembered that my father had passed away 11 years ago and when i looked back to see him playing with her, she was just laying on the floor alone. Also my uncle who passed away about 5 years ago, he bumped me in the shoulder and made me knock into the wall where I got sheet rock dust all over me.
I was standing outside the back of my previous house and there was rubbish and dog feces on the floor. People were running a race past me and two neighbours were very friendly and one of my old neighbours had a yellow face and scratches to her face
I dreamed I was laying on the floor in the living room I fell asleep woke up cuz I felt like someone was staring at me I looked out the window and there was what looked like a young boy in a black hoody when I looked out he ran away with a trash can in his hand
In my dream, i was inside the bedroom of my old house, as i was trying to reach for a piece of paper on the floor, the paper suddenly moved and transformed into two huge white fluttering butterflies. These two were fluttering towards me, i think in my dream i got scared because i tried to run away from it and shooed it away, but they kept fluttering towards me and i tried to reach the door that was hard to open. And when it opened, in my dream all of a sudden i was no longer afraid of these two white butterflies.since i took another look at it. And i also recalled seeing another butterfly, huge one slightly brown i think, outside the door i opened. It was also fluttering. Everything happened inside the bedroom of my old home. It felt so real.
I dreamed I saw my cat sleeping peacefully on the floor in a sunbeam, and he had a big white "plus" sign on his side. A few nights later I dreamed of a comet. I feel the two dreams are linked.
My sister and her boyfriend and i were driving and i was sitting in back seat. we were on a back country road driving the road started off straight the started getting very curvy. I noticed the road ahead was then like a roller coaster i quickly hid on the floor of the back of car. I could see us being upside down but i could feel it,,,i guess i so scaried that it woke me up
I was being hunted by a mexican cartel gang after shooting one of their members when they got violent with one of my cousins. i dont know what i was doing in mexico. My wife and the kids were there but not with me. after i shot the guy, i kept running and running because their gang was going to chase me down once they found out what i did, so i had to get a head start if i was going to make it.
i ran and ran through towns and trails in the woods. I stopped when i got to an auto shop with nice vintage cars are struck up a conversation with the mechanics. they were nice and gave me clothes to change into because i was wearing white flowing robes for some reason. Somehow my wife and the kids caught up to me. My wife sat with my baby son and I sat with my daughter and others who where there watching the cars in the shop sitting on bleachers.
My daughter left my lap and ran towards the door to go outside to look at something. As I got up to chased after her, out of nowhere machine fire started from the back and I ran and picked up my daughter, went to the floor and rolled on my sides out the door. I turned around to see my wife on the floor too with my son. My son was shot in his forearm and Amy was unhurt in the hail of gunfire. i was so sad, then i woke up.
My girlfriend had a dream that she was in a store checking out and she grabbed our daughter and son and slammed them on the floor and then went on to doing the same to other women's children then she started beating our daughter with a pot and our daughter started to runaway trying to open the door
Was running with my lover trying to find a place to be together. But the big house we went too had people all over the place. People were even laying on the floor. So we left the house and started running some more. Then we came to a road block. My lover said we have to go the other way because of the polimen having the road blocked off with orange cones. But I wasn't afraid at all. I also noticed a flocked red birds flying over my head.
I was on the floor. Next to a bed there was someone in the bed. And that someone tried to grab me. But I did not feel scared it was like I knew the person