I dreamed on steve ballmer born in march nineteen fifty six chief executive officer April 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamed that I was with robin and she was scared because it was like she knew about this mob activity and she was scared. The secret code for not actually saying what was going on was my last cousin. We were at the grocery store talking and I did not have a car so she took me. We left. We went our separate ways. It was like some how we met up again Robin and I. I still didn't have a car and Robin was scared. I asked her why and she said it was because she was scared the police had found out about the secret she had. She took me to the store with her and it was like my children and someone and Robin kids. As we were walking around we did not want to stay in the area long because we were scared the police will come and we were ducking and hiding from them. There were one more place I wanted to go, but Robin's fear of being exposed was preventing her from moving forward. So me and the kids were hurrying up so we wouldn't take a chance of getting caught. At this point I was scared to. So as we were preparing to leave the grocery store, Paula saw Robin and gave her a hug. She was dressed and getting ready for church. She saw Robin and they were talking in codes regarding the secret that they didn't want the police to hear about. They were so excited Robin said we don't have to worry about the Last Cousin anymore. They embrace was holding each other and started dancing like we do at church. They did not know that a police officer was in the corner looking. The police officer April 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sitting in a hospital office, unaware how I had gotten there, with my friend, Angela, beside me. On the opposite side of the desk sat a nurse who was handing us papers, and asking for our signatures. She was talking for what seemed like a very long time, but her exact words escape my memory. After signing the papers, I leaned over the desk to hand them back to the nurse, but I could not reach her. After struggling for a bit, I decided to walk around the desk, but when I tried to stand, I noticed the bottom half of my leg was completely swollen and red. I then realized Angela’s leg looked the same and that we were both in wheelchairs. The nurse came and took the papers from me and then wheeled Angela and I down a long, dark hallway that appeared to be never ending, until we turned into a different room; it was extremely cold and had two small hospital beds. Angela and I laid down, both tremendously nervous. Angela was crying, but not myself. We ended up having surgery; they amputated each of our right legs, from the knee down, and reattached them to each other. The last thing I remember before waking up is Angela and I thanking the doctors nonstop for the surgery. April 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sitting in a hospital office, unaware how I had gotten there, with my friend, Angela, beside me. On the opposite side of the desk sat a nurse who was handing us papers, and asking for our signatures. She was talking for what seemed like a very long time, but her exact words escape my memory. After signing the papers, the nurse walked Angela and I into a different room; it was extremely cold and had one queen sized hospital bed. Ang and I laid down, both tremendously nervous. Angela was crying, but not myself. We ended up having surgery; they amputated each of our right arms, from the elbow down, and reattached them to each other. The last thing I remember before waking up is Angela and I thanking the doctors nonstop for the surgery. April 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Police trying to kidnap my friend who is pregnant, I stab the police officer and run with my friend. April 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed i was at the doctors office getting a sonogram and I found out I was pregnant with twin boys and I had a significant other but I didnt know who he was April 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a doctor's office. The doctor gave me pills and told me I would have two abortions. April 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about another woman whom I knew and she had a child in her arms. She asked if she could stay over and sleep in the same bed with me and my husband. I told her no but she got in the bed anyway. I was on one side with my husband arms wrapped around me and she was on the otherside of my husband with a baby boy in her arms. I called the police and told them to come and escort this unwanted guest out of my house. When they came they escorted her out the house and my mother and aunt appeared. My aunt was praying inside my house while my mom and I was standing on the front porch. While I explained what happenend to my mother a police officer came up to me and said the familiar woman was going to press charges against me. Then I woke up. April 09, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis