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Dreams holy

Found 390 dreams containing holy - Page 37

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My mom refers it as an enigma, She felt into a deep sleep fighting herself to be awake, as she went to a deep sleep she notice herself being at church and from a far distance she saw brightness. She felt a beautiful sensation, as she looked around. She felt her stomach having hard movements that when she woke up she notice herself shaking. Since she suffers from high-blood presure she takes her preasure and the first two times the machine marks error, her blood preasure was high. Now she doesnt know if she was going to die in this occurance, or she was touched by the holy spirit.

A co-worker friend came to my house to visit me i step outside the door on the balcony my mother is there watching with a broom in her hand the co-worker friend is dressed in a black wool coat i was happy to see him and proceed to kiss him but he turn his cheek for me to kiss i was disappointed he said he was happy the accident happen because he would not had found the holy bible he sat on a bench as i stood listening he said i wrote you something he begin to read and say i wish you good health i stood emotional

My old friend wanted me to go on vacation with her to this cool house. It wasn't HUGE but It was pretty average sized, but the street was right out front, there was like no lawn or anything. Just street. We were sitting outside the house when I just randomly decided to go into the house, and found myself in this kind of dining room (where the front door was). In the dining room, this lady came over and told me "Coffee isn't allowed" referring to the coffee machine infront of me, so I was like, alright, and walked away. As I walked away, I ran into this guy who was a little older than me, or just really taller than me, with kinda like pin straight blonde hair that was sort of flippy. We just kind of said hi and exchanged names, then we both walked into this elevator along with some other people. Which was weird, because the house didn't look big enough to even hold an elevator. It was fine for a few seconds, but all of a sudden the lights started flickering and all of the pictures in the elevator fell down and broke on the ground and eventually the light just went out. I screamed obviously, and found myself holding on to the guy who apparently was named Justin (I dont know anyone named Justin so this was weird) but anyway I was holding on to him for dear life and said, "I just met you and I'm sorry but holy ******* god I'm scared." Then the elevator doors opened, and everyone else just walked out like nothing happened, so we both just did the same and walked right out. Now we were in this room with no furniture in it, but a lot of doorways surrounding it. One door was open, and out of the corner of my eye I saw something white blur around. When I turned, nothing was there. But when I looked back, a little girl who looked about 3 with really short red hair and a pink dress holding a teddy bear stood infront of us. She smiled and said something, but I forgot what she said. For some reason after everything weird happening, I got really worried and said, "We need to get out of here." Justin gave me a weird glance and then two more people showed up. One was fat and one was small, I'm guessing a brother and sister, but they showed up and gave us worried looks. The bigger girl spoke up, "You can always use the front door..." I laughed at myself. "Yeah." I said silently. Then, Justin looked worried again. "Wait, wait. I'll go out first, okay?" Everyone was silent, so he just nodded to himself and walked out the front door onto the street. The front door was glass, so we could see through it. When he walked out, two guys grabbed him and shoved him on the ground then burned him alive. No one reacted, we all just stood there. Then the dream changed, sort of to like a flashback, and it was Justin and the Coffee Lady fighting over this black dog. "Don't touch her!" Justin yelled, and the lady fighting back more, but then giving up and dropping the dog, walking away angrily. "I'll be back." She whispered. Then, the flashback ended. The little redhead girl walked up to me again. She started telling me about another boy, one that was "looking out for me" but he "refuses to show himself." For some reason, I knew exactly who she was talking about and started crying, and fell against the wall. I don't know the person she was talking about, but apparently in my dream I did really well. I can't pronounce his name, or type it, it was weird kind of name I'm guessing another language, but I kept screaming his name over and over while sobbing against the wall, then this older lady with her hair in a bun and a green dress walked by, smiling and mouthing "Soon" then I woke up.

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