Goat crapping on my chest
A snake bites me on the leg and a snake bites me on the chest while iguanas also tried attacking me someone gave me anti venom for the bite on my chest
I dreampt that my boyfriend was naked and was had injuries on chest and on one hand
Dream of getting shot three times in chest
My orchestra teacher bluntly said that she was retiring after the school year gets out, and I stormed out crying! Then my English teacher lashed out at me saying, "you never turn in your work, you never listen, you never pay attention!" And I'm saying "I'm not a bad student" repeatedly. Then I'm in orchestra class again and my teacher says she's retiring at the end of the year and I'm sitting in my chair quietly crying and my stand partner asks me if I was ok and I said, "yeah, I'm fine!" I hold up my head high still crying a little and my teacher asks, "Megan are you ok?"
I say,"Yeah I am!" She asks for a hug after class and says, "you're one student that I'll never forget!"
I smiled and walked off!
I dreamed that i was growing hairs on my chest and nipples?
Dream of hugging my deceased grandmother and layed my head on her chest and cried too
Dreams of getting shot multiple times in the chest but didnt die
I dreamed I was shot in the chest several times
My stomach just started to rip right up near my chest where i could then see my insides