Hugging someone and crying means
I dreamt that although i have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend , we still met and went for a walk in the evening where we used to meet up (at the CApital City)... And we were flirting all the way through...then he started hugging me and we held hands throughout our walk... I suddenly kissed him on the cheek but he didnt seem to be bothered in fact he liked me...and we still continued our walking holding hands and old times..
What does that mean...? I broke up with my ex over 2.5 years ago! Please help!
I went to my girlfriend s house to return an empty vase heard my children talking. Returning home I started singing and past a wedding preparation. Still singing I saw three dogs playing in front a moving car, one dog was mine. Walked into my yard when a car pulled up with someone asking for my farther to fix it. As I entered the house it was renovated I spoke to my father then my brother appeared past me and began hugging our recently dead father.
Walking into a renovated home and seeing my older brother hugging our recently deceased father.
I had a dream of my dead uncle hugging me
Dreaming of hugging my boyfriend
A guy friend kissing and hugging me
Hugging and kissing white man in my bed
My ex partner is hugging our son
Walking into a renovated home and seeing my dishonest older brother hugging our recently dead father.